26 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Eat This Instead: Caramel Energy Turtle Bites {Vegan} {Gluten-Free}

By admin

A few years ago while I was playing around in the kitchen, I created my gluten-free, vegan turtle bites:


This was the first recipe where Dan actually contributed ideas and suggestions so that by after a few tweaks, these babies were perfect.

I even sold them here on the blog!

Turtle Bites were our go to snacks for before workouts and for long runs. An easy grab that I could bag, put in my CamelBack and go.

Unfortunately, somewhere along the road life got busy, turtle bites were simply a memory and packaged items like Quest Bars and Stingers took their place.

Well, that’s changing!

I love Quest Bars and Stingers, but I’m kind of over them (so many Quest Bars from Blend).

I’m ready to make the effort to really focus on OUR food. The food I make, that I control the nutrition, the ingredients and I KNOW we’re getting the best fuel possible.

So, Turtle Bites were brought out of retirement this past weekend in an effort to prep for the race this weekend.

Gluten-free Vegan Energy Turtle Bites

And I am thrilled.

I’m also thrilled that I made a few tweaks to the recipe and am even more in love with them than before.

The previous recipe was more a crunch, while these are soft on the outside, like caramel, with the special surprise of the nut on the inside.

My recommendation?

Snack on 2-3 of these little dudes instead of a bar or if you’re just needing something sweet to munch on after dinner, 1-2 will do the trick.

Gluten-free Vegan Energy Turtle Bites

No added sugar, vegan, gluten-free and delicious, you can’t go wrong.

Plus, they really do taste like Chocolate Turtles!

Will I make them again for other people? Well… maybe. There may be something in the works right now, actually!

Energy Packed Turtle Bites

Gluten-free Vegan Energy Turtle Bites

  • 1 Bar Dark Chocolate (70% or higher)
  • 1/2 Tsp Coconut Oil
  • 1/2 Cup Raw Almonds, Whole (or other nut)
  • 1 Cup Unsalted Mixed Nuts
  • 1/4 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
  • 2 Tbsp Quinoa, Dried
  • 2 Tbsp Flaxseeds
  • 1 Tbsp Chia Seeds
  • 1 Cup Pitted Dates, Soaked
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla

Gluten-free Vegan Energy Turtle Bites

  1. Preheat oven to 350-degrees.
  2. In a food processor or blender, blend together dates and vanilla after dates have soaked for 1-2 hours to soften. Remove and place aside.
  3. Back into the food processor or blender, add mixed nuts, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, flaxseeds, and chia seeds. Pulse until seeds and nuts are of equal size (roughly). Place in a bowl and stir in 1/4 cup of date “caramel”. Add spoonful by spoonful until everything is sticky and coated.
  4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. This part is easier with a small bowl of water near by to keep fingers wet. Grab a small ball of the mix and a whole almond. Mold the mix around the almond and place on parchment paper. Continue until all the mix is gone.
  5. Bake in oven for just 5-7 minutes, until slightly browned. Remove and allow to chill in fridge or freezer.
  6. Once chilled, melt chocolate in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 20 second intervals, stirring between rounds until completely melted. Add coconut oil and stir.
  7. Dip bites into chocolate, place back on parchment paper and allow the chocolate to “set” in the fridge for 15-20 minutes before eating.

I promise that this looks a lot more complicated than it is. From start to finish, I was done in 35 minutes. Not bad, considering I made a double batch!

You can have a lot of fun with this by playing with the nuts. Macadamia nuts are delicious and add an amazing sweetness. Also, peanut butter mixed in with the chocolate is really yummy too!

Nutrition Info

I know, I know… what’s the nutritional information on this babies?


What’s your “on the go” quick grab?

Lately, it’s been protein bars. But if I eat one more, I might become one.

Whip Six Feed

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