27 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

How To Design A Kettlebell Workout & 5 New Kettlebell Exercises Every Kettlebell Enthusiast Should Know

By admin

Kettlebells, they’re kind of my thing and I kind of like sharing my kettlebell love with you.

Not too long ago, I wrote a blog post, 30 Best Kettlebell Exercises

I was super stoked to share with you my favorite 30 kettlebell exercises that everyone should know.


How to make a kettlebell workout

But then it hit me, what good is sharing just a pile of exercises if you don’t know how to use them?

So today, I’m going to share how to easily build a kettlebell workout for yourself.

Don’t have a kettlebell? Then use this for inspiration the next time you have a dumbbell in your hand. It’s about being versatile and having fun with your workouts.

But before I share the “How To”, I’ve learned a few more awesome exercises!

Want to know what NOT To Expect?

No crazy strange “what the hell!?” kind of moves.

I used to be all about those, but I’ve learned over time that the basics is really what delivers the most punch. Plus, know the basics and you can tie so many other moves together. I’ll explain more on this down below!

Learn the basics and you’ll be able to go further and come up with your own crazy moves, you don’t need me to teach you those. Make sense? My job isn’t to intimidate people, it’s to inspire.

Man, I love my job. So let’s get inspired…

5 More Kettlebell Exercises Every Enthusiast Needs To Know

Reverse Swings


Upside Down Squats

So amazing for the core! Make sure to hold the kettlebell as low on the handle as possible.

Hollow Hold Pull-Overs


Side Press


See-Saw Press


New Favorite Complex: Giant Get-Up

At each state of the get-up, complete 3 presses! Make sure to go light, very light.

This isn’t an actual exercise, so consider it a bonus, not part of the “New 5″.

Between these moves and those on the original 30 List, there are enough moves to create a limitless amount of workouts.


Need some help getting started?

How To Make A Kettlebell Workout

How to make a kettlebell workout

Just like with any workout, planning is key! Don’t simply take this list into the gym and randomly choose to do this move or that move for 10 reps.

Instead, here’s a free training tip…

1. Choose a calorie burning, heart thumbing ballistic exercise such as swings, reverse swings or snatches. Make this your “core move”.

It’s the ballistic moves of kettlebells that really sets them apart from all other forms of weight training, and you’ll notice that ALL of my kettlebell workouts include at least one ballistic move.

From there…

2. Pick 2 leg moves & 2 upper body moves (preferably a pull and a push).

3. Decide if you’ll do a timed interval workout or a set rep workout.

Below you’ll see an example of a timed workout, but you can simply change the 30 seconds to any amount of reps you want and plug in the exercises you are going to do. Or change it up completely!

That’s the beauty of workout design, get the moves you want and get creative with them. Maybe you want to pair arms together or maybe you don’t want a rest at all but moves from one to the next.

The sky is the limit!

Example Kettlebell Layout
30 Seconds: Ballistic
15 Seconds: Rest
30 Seconds: Arm – Push
15 Seconds: Rest
30 Seconds: Legs 1
15 Seconds: Rest
30 Seconds: Ballistic
15 Seconds: Rest
30 Seconds: Arm – Pull
15 Seconds: Rest
30 Seconds: Leg 2
15 Seconds: Rest
Repeat For 2-4 Rounds!

A second option is to create a circuit made of 4-6 exercises (I’ve learned that unless you’re very comfortable with kettlebells, anything over 6 moves can get confusing) and set a timer.

Example Kettlebell Layout 2
How many rounds can you complete in 15 minutes?
15 Reps Exercise 1
20 Reps Ballistic Move
10 Reps Exercise 2
10 Reps Exercise 3
20 Reps Ballistic Move 2

For me, I would likely make exercise 1 a leg move, exercise 2 a body weight upper body (like pull-ups) and exercise 3 a core move. Then maybe do swings and snatches for the ballistic options!

Is that starting to make sense?

Basically, as long as you cover the bases for your entire body, you’ll have a balanced workout!

Making Compound Exercises

Probably the thing I love most about kettlebells is the ability to tie moves together to create a non stop circuit.

It’s fun and really makes the time fly by!

Here’s what I mean…

Last week I did a workout where I started on the ground for a get-up. I completed the Get-Up just to the standing phase and then went into 3 presses, 3 snatches, 3 lunges (all on the same side) before finishing the Get-Up back down.

Then I repeated on my other side.

Fun, right?

Give it a try! Make up your own complex circuit with 3-5 different exercises to see what you can come up with.

The only rule? Have fun.

Well, and be safe. Proper form is really #1 but that should go without having to be said, right?

If you were only able to do 1 kettlebell exercise, what would it be?

For me? Snatches!

Whip Six Feed

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