15 June 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Naked Truth: I Don’t Want To Shop Because I Know I’m A Different Size

By admin

I’m not your typical girl.

I hate shopping. No, really, I hate it.

When I was in New York with my mom and SIL, we shopped the WHOLE time… they loved it!


I basically followed them around, whining in the inside.

I shop when I need stuff. The end. If I don’t need it, I don’t want to go look at stuff just for the hell of it.

Am I the only one?

And even if I do need something, I still hate it… I haven’t bought new summer clothes for myself in over TWO YEARS.

I know, I know. I’m the worst girl ever.

The only exception is food shopping. I love farmer’s markets and grocery stores! But that does’t help here.


On top of that, I cleaned out my closet. Do you know what the means?

Not shopping in years combined with tossing out unwanted clothes = I have nothing.

It’s 90-degrees out and I need shorts in a bad way!

Shopping With A New Body

The last time I went clothes shopping, I weighed around 110 pounds and was a measurements smaller, making my clothes size smaller.


Things are different now, I have new curves, more muscle and an extra 12 pounds on my frame.

And while I have accepted my body and am actually pretty proud of it, I think part of the reason I have pushed off shopping is because I know that those smaller sizes from 2 years ago aren’t going to compliment my body quite the way they did in the past.

In fact, I’m pretty sure I won’t be grabbing a size 0 at all.


What is it about numbers that freaks women out?

Why should it affect my one way or another what the tag reads?

My body is healthy. For the first time in a long time. You would think that I would be happy to go clothes shopping in order to enhance my look. Right?

Yet, I’m stuck on a number.

The number that confirms that not only did I gain weight, but my body changed because of it.

It’s About The Look, Not The Fit

Yet, that’s the price I paid when I decided to do something about my health and my goals.

To think that the size of my clothes wouldn’t be affected was stupid of me and it’s stupid of me to be ashamed, mad or embarrassed about it.

You know, I don’t think I’ve ever heard Dan mention his clothes size. He just gets the size that fits his body. If it’s smaller or bigger than what he’s used to, it’s not big deal.

It’s about the look as opposed to the tag. ← Why do guys get this?

Well… maybe not these guys.


These guys walked around London in tiny suite shorts and it’s hilarious.

In the past, I would have refused to accept the bigger size.

I would have done one of two things:

    1. I would have squeezed into those 2s, completed a few squats in the dressing room to stretch them out, and walk out thinking that even though tight, they would be fine.
    2. If they didn’t fit, I would assume it was because that particular brand ran small. It’s their fault, not mine and since they can’t get their sizes right, they don’t deserve my money.


Oh goodness. Looking back, I was a hot mess!

I’m too old for that crap.

It’s time to dress without having to do stretching squats. It’s time to buy clothes that fit my body to make it look better.

I don’t want to be “that” girl…

You know the one.

The girl other girls look at and say “does she not realize she needs a bigger size?”

And while all of that’s important, it really comes down to this:


I can’t say that I accept my body and that I love it but then try to make it squeeze into something it clearly doesn’t want to fit into.

So here’s the final look…


Our bodies are not defined by the size on a tag or the number on a scale.

It is defined by the way we carry ourselves, the way we treat it, and the way we treat others.

With head held high, and standing tall, I bought clothes! The shorts above from Banana Republic Outlet ($ 15!) and then a trip (online) to J Crew Factory…


J Crew’s Factory Stripped Shorts


J Crew Chino Shorts 4″

Bigger clothes.

Clothes that look good and bring my wardrobe up to date!

Go me.

If I love my body, it deserves to be fully loved.

And I want every woman to feel the same.

No matter the size of our waist, bust or hips…

No matter if the tag reads a “2” or a “22” we can still embrace where our bodies are at that point.

Have you ever said, “I don’t want to buy ANYTHING at this size. I will drop a few pounds first.”

It’s sad, dress the body you have even if you’re working on making it better. You feel better, you carry yourself better and overall you look better!

It doesn’t mean that you don’t want to improve, lose weight or change, it just means that no matter where you are at any given point, there is a body that deserves to feel beautiful.

I’ve mentioned that I am in the process of leaning out a little bit for my upcoming race. If I drop a few inches, that’s okay. But regardless…

I fuel my body with good food, I workout hard and I know my body is healthy where it is at this moment.

Happy Monday friends, thank you for letting my share my diary today.

Do you like to shop?

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