23 June 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Live Your Fitness Women’s Retreat {Fitness Recap}

By admin

This weekend was one that will forever be cherished…


My first women’s fit retreat!

What an experience and I am so so so grateful for the opportunity to do things like this. We capped the event at 11 women to keep it both intimate and to allow everyone to stay under the same roof in one amazing (aka huge) house.

I couldn’t believe that registration filled up within an hour of sharing the event. Which of course only made me more excited!

I think the ladies that attended had a wonderful time, I know Ashton and I did.

This post is going to be VERY picture heavy as I try to recap our experience and forever lock it in my memory.

Let’s divide this in two posts…

  1. Fitness
  2. Food

Make sure to check back tomorrow for our amazing meals, appetizers and wine pairings!


Fitness At Lake Keowee

Ashton and I arrived a day early to prep the house and food as much as possible before everyone arrived. ← This was a must and I was extremely impressed with our efficiency.

We worked hard so that the following morning we could go for a trail run…

Foothills Trail

What a view to wake up to!


We wanted to hike to Laurel Falls, which I thought was an 8 mile trip… turns out it was 16 miles, so we settled for 6 miles of hiking/running to this gorgeous creek (and back) instead along the route.




Upper-Lower WaterFalls Trail

Saturday morning after breakfast, the group was excited to hit the trails! I knew they would love the Upper and Lower Whitewater Falls (Dan and I hiked this back in December).

After a little mix up with the directions (oops) we arrived at the trailhead (near Duke Bad Water Plant) for a 7ish mile hike to see two waterfalls…





We finished the hike just in time. The moment we all climbed into the cars, we were hit with a quick afternoon thunderstorm. #Perfecttiming!


The hike was amazing, but we couldn’t be so close to such a beautiful lake without taking advantage of it. As soon as I booked our home, Ashton and I worked on renting kayaks and stand-up paddleboards for the ladies.

The company, One With The Ride, was easy to deal with and delivered everything to a kayak/SUP area for us. For 2 hours we played around in the water…

For many of our ladies, it was the first time ever trying SUP or kayak. I stayed in the kayak so more people could SUP, which was fine with me. I was able to be speedy and check on everyone as needed!





Then we jumped off a cliff…

I asked the man who delivered our equipment where he recommended we paddle to. He mentioned a cliff around the corner that people jump off and that was all she wrote. I was all for it!

Ashton and I were the “testers” before a few other ladies climbed up and jumped off the 30 foot rock. Amazing experience…



After such a long day, we enjoyed a cold beer before heading back to the house for dinner…


Boot Camp

For our final morning, we kicked the day off with a short but extremely effective boot camp workout.

Our house has the BEST incline driveway which I knew the moment we drove in would be incorporated into this workout. It also has the best view, which I wanted to take advantage of!


Since it was Father’s Day, we wanted everyone to get home in time to celebrate the day with family, so at 7:30am we were out on our yard ready to sweat!

Here’s what we did: 

  • 1 Hill Sprint
  • 30 Push-Ups
  • 3 Laps Lunge Walks
  • 2 Laps Bear Crawl

x3 Rounds Total





Fun times! Everyone had a great time and I was so proud of each and every one of these ladies. They worked hard but played hard too. The best mix.

As you can guess, we worked up quite the appetite!

peaches and wine

Make sure to come back tomorrow to see how we fueled our weekend to be able to Live Your Fitness! <– Recipes too!

Whip Six Feed

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