26 June 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Weekend Warrior IV Workout: Bambi Legs

By admin

Is it just me, or did this weekend just fly by? I’m not complaining, I’m pumped for a quiet weekend at home before we dive into 2 more weekends of travel (more on that next week)!

I’ve already traveled more this year than I have in the last 3 years combined. I’m loving it, but I miss my girls when I’m gone.

Nike Pretty

Nike kitty

Dan got a new camera while I was gone this past weekend and had fun testing it out by sending me adorable pictures of Nike. She’s so gorgeous!

But that was last weekend, let’s talk this weekend…

It’s been awhile since I’ve given you a Weekend Warrior Workout, so it’s time.

If you’re new to LiftingRevolution, Weekend Warrior Workouts are a bit longer and a bit more intense than a traditional weekly workout with the idea that you have more time to dedicate to really going all out.

It’s the equivalent of a Saturday morning long run for runners.

Fun, right? Are you up for the challenge?

Dan and I try to do 1-2 exhaustion workouts per week, especially with our Spartan Training. And this workout was one of them.

Weekend Warrior Bambi Legs

Ashton and I did this workout earlier this week and OMG, I could barely walk the next two days. Ha! I had every intention to run the following day, but that just wasn’t possible.

At first, I thought, “Oh this isn’t going to be too bad”!

But by the second round, I was feeling it and immediately looked over to Ashton and said, “Yup, going to feel this tomorrow!”

By the time we were done, my legs were shaking and I felt like Baby Bambi trying to walk around for the rest of the day!


I’m not one of those people that NEEDS to feel sore, as a trainer I know that soreness isn’t a sign of progress… but there is some satisfaction when you work hard and you feel it the next day.

Am I right?

So this workout…


Take your time, if you need use a pole, chair, or suspension system to help with your pistol squats, go for it. No shame, I ended up having to use a pole too! (Here’s a progression program for pistol squats if interested).

Total leg burn out! Which is what I need. Dan and I just realized we’ll be racing up the highest peak in Pennsylvania in just a few weeks during the Spartan race.

Man oh man, can’t I be done with crazy incline?

Ok, let’s go over these moves.

Barbell Thrusters


For the workout, I thrusted #65. I went with a weight I knew would be challenging! Push yourself. If that means doing 5 reps and resting, that is okay. Just make sure form stays solid!

Pistol Squat W/ Suspension Help

Pistol Squat

Single Row


What do you say, are you up for a little weekend warrior challenge?

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