09 July 2015 ~ 0 Comments

The Ultimate Spartan Workout For Women

By admin

Hello there! How’s the week kickin?

Dan and I are currently in Philly, hanging out with my in-laws. We arrived yesterday afternoon and have been go go go ever since.

We’ve had this trip planned for quite some time to get in some QT with his parents. We definitely don’t see them enough. Since we knew we would be here, we thougth it would be fun to do a race.

And wouldn’t you know that right up the road, there would be a Spartan Super the same weekend as our visit!?

It was a sign.

Saturday we’ll be in the Poconos, participating in our 2nd Super (8-10 miles). I’m pretty stoked! And since Dan’s parents have never seen us race, we’re excited for them to tag along too.

Now that you’re all caught up, let’s get to the workout at hand!

Since we’re doing a Spartan race in just 2 days, I thought it was only appropriate that I share a workout that utilizes a lot of my training moves.

It’s fun, challenging, and VERY different.

I think you’ll love it!


The Spartan

Spartan Workout


Start off by doing 3 reps of the burpee complex. Just to verify, one rep is…

  • 1 Push-up
  • 1 Pull-up to 5 sec chin hold
  • 3 Leg raises
  • Drop down to ground

Trust me, you’ll feel like a bada$ $ doing those! If you need to modify it, no biggie! Make it work for you.

From there, you’ll go into the circuit. 10 reps of each move… complete it 2x through.

Easy enough, right? Well, now it’s time to do it and see!

Let’s quickly take a look at those moves to help clear things up!

Burpee Complex

Part 1:


Part 2:

burpee complex spartan

Double Racked Uneven Squats

uneven kettlebell squats

Monkey Bar Taps Complex

monkey bar thigh taps

Pinch Grip Plate Hold

pinch grip plates

So there you go! I won’t lie, my legs were super sore the next day! I loved every minute of it, though during the workout I was like, “whoa this is so much harder than I expected!” Ha!

I would love to hear your thoughts and see if you have the same reaction.

Like the workout?

Please, make sure to share it if so!

Have you been to Philly before? If so, anything we have to do, see, or eat at?

Whip Six Feed

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