22 May 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Mountain Bike Mud Racing

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Follow and interact with RadXSports on Facebook: www.facebook.com A dual slalom mountain bike race pits two racers riding down the course together, first one across the finish line wins the heat and moves up to the next bracket until the winner emerges from all this head to head competition. Run it over a muddy course and it’s a sight to be seen. June was a record month for rainfall in the northeast, but it takes more than a little mud to stop a maniac mountain bike racer on a mission. Practice runs through the wet conditions didn’t slow them down or keep these hearty souls from smiling. The racers gathered at the top of the course for the first round, individual time trials to determine seeding and byes in the brackets. 34 racers were competing in men’s and women’s divisions at the Pro, Cat 1 Expert, Category 2 and 3 Amateur and Juniors levels. With the timed runs done and the brackets set, the racers prepared for the head to heads action. A fast start was critical in these sloppy conditions. Passing, even on a wide open course, was an adventure. Still, all it took was momentary mistake for an opening to appear that let an alert racer slide past his opponent for a come from behind victory. Then, in the fog of the women’s pro final, fifteen year old Lauren Daney caught veteran Karen Eagan easing up for just a moment and snuck past her on the final tabletop for the win. There were prizes and cheers for the winners and smiles all around, even for the surprised winner
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