23 July 2015 ~ 0 Comments

‘Frozen’ 10 Minute Kettlebell Workout

By admin

I wish that Kettlebell Thursday had a better ring to it. That’s exactly what today is!

And do I have a great workout for you all. I am really excited to share because I love holds!

kettlebell rack hold

When I was at RKC training in May, Phil had us to so many of these things and it was during that time that I realized how kickass holding a weight can be.

What am I talking about?

Well, let’s just get straight into this workout so you can see what I’m talking about. And no, it has nothing to do with the Frozen movie. Perhaps one day I’ll do themed workouts to Disney movies, but today isn’t that day – who wants that song stuck in their head alllll day long!?

Well, now that I brought it up, you’re probably singing it now, right? Sorry, friend.

Frozen 10 Minute Kettlebell Workout

One time through is quite the burner, but if you want a longer workout, of course complete this up to 3 rounds.

10 Minute Kettlebell Workout Frozen. Total body, fast workout #kettlebells

As I was getting my kettlebells in place for the workout, Dan saw me grab the 16-kg kettlebells for my holds. He immediately asked, “are you going to be able to get those up every time?”

“Uh, yea!” was my response, followed by “why, you think it’s too heavy?”.

Haha, there wasn’t a doubt until he questioned me. Then it took a good solid 60 minutes of looking back and forth at the weights I chose to the other options I have available.

Ultimately I stuck with the 16s, but man was it tough! As you can clearly see, I was pushing hard.

Overhead Kettlebell Hold

The point of this story?

I want you to do the same thing. Don’t go with the “safe” choice, go with the choice that makes you a little nervous but deep down you know you can do it. What happens if you can’t hold the weight for the entire time? Grab the next weight down and get right back into it. No biggie.

Challenge yourself, it’s the only way you’ll get the benefits, no one wants a wasted workout, right? Then don’t. Every exercise should be done with purpose, and cheating yourself with a light weight isn’t doing that.


The Frozen Moves

Rack Hold


Overhead Hold


Kettlebell Thrusters


Kettlebell Alternating Swings

Kettlebell Alternating Swings

Kettlebell Reverse Swings

Kettlebell Reverse Swings

Hollow Rocks

Hollow Rocks

Just A Snippet

This is a fast workout! It’s an awesome workout, but it’s pretty short, right? It’s actually only part of a more intense, longer version that will be going up on my Vimeo Kettlebell Cardio Page!

If you’re like me and love the challenge and sweat from kettlebells make sure to check it out!

kettlebell workout vimeo

→ Kettlebell Cardio ←

Okay guys, try the workout and let me know what you think!

Like what you see? Make sure to share.

What’s your favorite Disney movie?

Mine? I love Beauty and the Beast and Little Mermaid.

Let’s hang out more!

Make sure to follow me on your favorite social media:


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