07 August 2015 ~ 0 Comments

25 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me

By admin

Happy Friday Friends!

Dan and I left early this morning to head up to our favorite spot, Mount Mitchell. After our last camping fail, we are determined to make this one a success.


In honor of Friday, I want to keep things light around here and have some fun. Friday Fun!

You know in US Magazine, those articles where celebs share 25 things about themselves? Well, I’m not a celeb of course, but I thought it would be a fun way for you to get to know me better and vice versa!

Lindsay recently did this and I loved it, so I’m copying her today.


  1. I’ve broken my middle finger on my left hand twice. It now permanently curves left.
  2. I only like whole peanuts. I used to buy roasted peanuts, and only eat the whole ones. Those that were halves got tossed out.
  3. I love all animals but have a slight fear of cats. I love our cat but I still think she looks as if she can see inside your soul. Freaks me out. I thanks Tales From The Crept and my brother (for letting me watch it) for this.
  4. I quit gymnastics because I thought I was going to be too tall. Then I stopped growing.
  5. When I was fifteen, I pulled my back out on the 2nd day of cheerleading tryouts. A week later it was confirmed I have 2 herniated discs and arthritis in my lumbar spine region. With training, it’s great now but I feel it every morning when I get out of bed. But I’ve never used my bad as an excuse to not do something (which is good and bad).
  6. When I was a kid, my best friend and I would run down the street with umbrellas trying to fly like Mary Poppins. We were lifted up a few times!
  7. I received the “Most Likely To Succeed” award from my Sorority. And graduated with honors.
  8. When Dan and I first started online businesses, I had a motor cycle helmet store. It was a dropship business and taught me a ton! It actually did decently but I was young and stupid on how to run a business. I sold it after I built it up.
  9. I’ve only had 5 jobs my whole life: Lifeguard (5 years), Waitress (1), Medical Assistant, Gymnastics Teacher and Personal trainer!
  10. I always run counter clockwise when running circular routes. I have no idea why.
  11. The first argument I ever had with Dan was over a game of tennis. I hate tennis.
  12. Dan makes fun of me daily due to my leg hair growth. Like a man’s 5 O’clock shadow, my legs get it as well.
  13. A large part of me is hoping for twins when Dan and I decide to start trying for kids. Is that insane?
  14. I have a scar on my hip from when my childhood dog, Solomon (a boxer) ran after a dog while I was holding his leash. He ended up dragging me across a rocky road. Prob should have gotten stitches.
  15. My very first 5K was on a golf course at Winthrop (where i went to school). It was a halloween themed race with probably just 10 runners.
  16. When I did a figure competition, the tanning paint I bought was bad. I had the worst streaks ever and it’s still laugh worthy!
  17. My car is a stick shift. In fact, my first car (a jeep) was a stick shift. My husband can’t drive stick so we rent cars almost every time we go out of town. (i.e. he doesn’t trust me driving). His car is loaded to the max with fitness gear and incredibly small.
  18. I am a matchmaker! I introduced my college roomie to her husband and then later, I introduced my brother to my SIL. Julie and I worked together at the gymnastics studio and when both her and my brother became single, I had them over for a blind dinner date. So glad it worked out, she’s truly become a sister to me!
    chad and julie
  19. Growing up, my mom knew I needed glasses and braces but didn’t want me to have both at the same time. So I had braces but was blind. Once the braces came off, I got contacts/glasses… a whole new world!
  20. I’m allergic to contact solution. It slowly progressed until I ended up with a terrible eye infection just a few weeks before my wedding. The weekend of my bachelorette party was near the biggest breakout, hence the red eyes. It was so bad, my eyes were swollen shut by Monday. Luckily, we were able to figure out what was going on and with strong drugs I healed before the big day. Now I have to use plain saline solution.
    contact solution
  21. My biggest fear is being late. Weird, but true.
  22. I have a weird crush on Collin Firth. I have no idea why… it’s perhaps weirder than my time fear.
  23. Dan was the only college boyfriend that I introduced to my parents.
  24. My mom and Dan’s mom have the same name… Diane.
  25. The very first meal I cooked for a group of people was Fondu. In college, my girlfriends decided to have a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner with just us. We had a blast.
Tell me a few interesting fun facts about you!

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