14 August 2015 ~ 0 Comments

What I’m Loving At This Moment

By admin

It’s Friday!! Which means there is a really good chance Dan and I are on the road (again) up to the mountains (again).

This time for the Xterra Table Rock 15K Race in upstate South Carolina.

We love Table Rock (it’s where we spent Christmas) and are excited to race it. Plus, going back to Pickens, SC means a trip to Victoria Valley Vineyards… always a plus!


I am really excited about this race because it’s the first race Dan has decided to really give his all for. He normally just goes into a race with the attitude of making it through rather than really giving it all he’s got. He’s a natural on the trails and I always yell at him for not pushing harder.

So when he asked if we could go to Mellow Mushroom (in Clemson) for lunch on the way home, I told him only if he placed top 3 in his age group. Lol, hopefully pizza is a big enough motivator to help him do what he’s capable of.

Haha, evil wife.

So that’s our weekend… what are you up to?

To finish off the week, I thought I would share a few things I am currently obsessed with. A few were gifted to me, but I was not paid to endorse any of the items and I would absolutely never share anything I truly didn’t love!

With the disclosure out of the way…

Things I’m Loving

  • Derma e 2-in-1 Charcoal Mask & Toner Mist


I love facial masks! The muddy goop, the stiff feeling that happens as that goop hardens and then the “ahh” feel of smooth skin as you wash the mask away.

Derma e is a natural skincare line that is 100% Vegan, Gluten-free, Eco-friendly, Petrolatum-free, Phthalate-free (not sure what that means), Gluten-Free and Cruelty-Free.

Since I sweat like a man and often have to hang out in my sweat for hours working/coaching at the gym, I love finding natural cleansers to help keep my face as clean as possible. This stuff is loaded with charcoal and algae to help decongest pores and clean away dirt, toxins and micropollutants… which I am sure my face gets loaded with each day!

Plus, it’s fun.

I use the mist several times a day just for a little “pick me up”! Love it!

I’ve been browsing Derma E on Amazon to see what else I want to try! Many of which are part of Amazon Prime! Whoop!

  • TRX Ladder Workout


We’ve added a ton of classes to our schedule at the studio which I am pumped about! In the past, Ashton taught all of our suspension training classes, because to be honest, I just wasn’t that into it.

Just like some people like kettlebell workouts and some people don’t… TRX just wasn’t something I enjoyed.

But with more classes, I had to step up and start teaching a suspension class. I found Paige’s TRX ladder workout and loved the idea so I used it as inspiration to get my toes wet in class.

It went perfectly and guess what!? I actually enjoyed teaching. It helped that my ladies are amazing, but the workout itself was fun, challenging and made me pumped for future classes!

  • Flowers In The Gym


I have the best of friends. Ashton showed up to work on Monday with this beautiful bouquet of flowers to congratulate Dan and me on our successful camping trip. It was a really sweet gesture (there was also a bottle of prosecco)!

Of course I was going to bring them home, but then decided they should be shared with all of my clients. Why have them in a place where only my husband (who hates cut flowers) and I can see them?

Talk about an instant brightener to a gym! I think I’m going to keep flowers in the studio from now on to help give a feminine touch to a place that is often not so girly!

  • Via Instant Coffee


Best invention ever, Starbucks! Thank you!

Have you had these yet? If not, you should! They aren’t cheap but man are they good. Luckily, they are on sale at the grocery store a lot!

I love iced coffee but hate going through the process of making a pot and then chilling it. I often forget to make a batch before bed so I’m left with trying to chill hot coffee. Doesn’t work.

These are so good and strong! I love strong coffee.

In my little blender, I simply blend ½ cup of almond milk, ½ cup of water, 3-4 ice cubes, Via packet, and vanilla extract.

So good and hits the spot. It’s more like an iced latte and comes out with an awesome foamy top.

These are also our go-to coffees for camping! Just the jolt of caffeine we need each morning.


  • La Sportiva Tarantulace Climbing Shoes


Now that we’ve upped our membership to the climbing gym, Dan and I decided it was time to get our own climbing shoes instead of renting. When we were going just 1-2 times a month, renting was fine.

Now that we’re going 2 times per week, we wanted our own shoes. After some research and review reading, we both settled on the La Sportiva Tarantulace.

And what a difference! These shoes are so much more comfortable than the rentals and though I haven’t broken then in all the way (the toes are pretty slick still), they are so comfie and I can tell we will get along just fine!

Plus, they’re my favorite color.


I love La Sportiva as a brand. My running shoes are the best things ever and now these.

I’m a La Sportiva walking ad. Haha. Perhaps they should bring me on as a blogger ambassador!?

  • Girls Gone Wod Podcast


Bonnie mentioned GGW not too long ago and I decided to give them a try. She was right, Joy and Claire are awesome.

Yes, they are Crossfit junkies. No, I am not.

But they always make some really great points that relate to all fitness loving ladies. Plus they carry a conversation really well.

After putting my own podcast on hold, I feel reinvigorated to bring it back. In fact, I have an episode I’ll be sharing on Monday! And I’ve talked to Ashton about coming on and being a co-host too. I have direction again thanks in part to GGW.

Fun Finds On The Internet

And to finish off today, here are a few fun finds I’ve enjoyed and thought you might like as well!

What’s something you’re loving right now?

Whip Six Feed

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