02 September 2015 ~ 0 Comments

The Easiest Most Delicious Protein Mug Cake Recipe Ever

By admin

60 Second Whey Mug Cake, Or Souffle.

Once upon a time, I trained for a figure competition. I did all the things figure competitors did (at that time)…

  • I ate 5-6 meals per day of weighed out food.
  • I drank a gallon of water every day. Have you ever counted how many times this leads you to go to the bathroom in a day? With a full time job, this one was harder to manage than I thought it would be!
  • I cut out alcohol. For 12 weeks people! For 12 weeks, I didn’t have a single sip of wine! Impressed? I sure was!
  • I cut back on carbs. My coach had me consuming just 60-80 grams of carbs per day. If you’re not sure, that’s ridiculously low and I blame this for my poor health after the competition. After talking with others that have trained, I learned that my coach wasn’t fueling me properly.
  • And I ate lots and lots of protein. At the time I weighed around 115 pounds, and I think I consumed around 150 grams of protein per day.


All this to say that with all the limitations but the requirement to eat all the time, I had to get creative.

One of my favorite go tos for snacks and even breakfast was what I called a “Whey Souffle”.

It was literally just protein and egg whites, microwaved. Basically a whey pancake. I topped it with sugar-free syrup and called it a meal.

I was so naive.

Which is probably why I ended up losing hair, having terrible mood swings, and having a really hard time adjusting to life after competition. I think I avoided carbs like the plague for an entire year just because it’s what had been drilled in my head.

A meal of protein on top of protein isn’t a meal. One nutrient isn’t enough to live off of, but boy did I try!

Anywho… the whey soufle was retired soon after when I realized that sugar-free foods aren’t foods. And when I decided I needed a break from my protein obsession.

Luckily, enough time has passed and I was reminded of my old favorite not long ago.

Increasing Protein For Bone Health


Bones are living protein (50% of the matrix is protein) and one element for a speedy and healthy recovery that has been drilled into my head by my doctor and dietician friends is to up my protein.

So I have!

I’m currently taking in around 1.6-2.0 g/kg of protein per day. Usually in the form of eggs, chicken and Gnarly protein.

You guys already know that I am cutting back on my sugar intake, so I wanted to come up with something that would both satisfy my sweet tooth and fit into my high(er) protein diet.

Hello, new and improved whey souffle! And its something I can make myself, unlike most things right now where Dan is having to do all the cooking.

The Easiest Most Delicious Protein Mug Souffle Ever

Protein Mug Cake Ready In 60 Seconds

What makes it different from before? It has real nutrients. A great dose of healthy fats, a high dose of high quality protein and even some healthy carbs for energy.

  • 1 Scoop Protein Powder (I use Vanilla Gnarly)
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Tbsp Almond Flour
  • ¼ Tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 Tsp Coconut Oil
  1. In a mug, mix all ingredients together.
  2. Microwave for 60-70 seconds. Watch as it cooks to make sure it doesn’t run over the mug. If it starts, simply open the microwave to allow it to fall down a bit before continuing heating.
  3. Top with a spoonful of your favorite nut butter (optional) or a drizzle of honey and enjoy!

Protein mug cake or whey souffle

What’s your protein flavor of choice: vanilla, chocolate or other?

As much as I love chocolate, I always opt for vanilla for protein, ice cream and even cake.

Whip Six Feed

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