29 May 2012 ~ 30 Comments

Abs Workouts : How to Get Abs Fast for Women

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Getting great abs fast not only involves concentrated core workouts, but also eating well and exercising regularly. Tone your abdomen with a demonstration from a PMA-certified Pilates teacher in thisfree video on core exercises. Expert: Teresa Sciarretta Contact: www.PilatesStudioCity.com Bio: Teresa Sciarretta is a PMA-Certified Pilates Teacher and has completed numerous continuing education workshops including Pilates for Pregnancy and Pilates Protocols for Common Problems. Filmmaker: Max Cusimano Series Description: Working out the abs not only yields an attractive, flatter stomach, but it also strengthens the core muscles for better overall fitness. Practice these core exercises with help from a PMA-certified Pilates instructor in this free video series on abdominal workouts.

Trainer Jai demonstrates proper form and technique for variations of the super flying man exercise. This exercise works the lower back and glutes and is great for addressing lower back pain.

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