03 June 2012 ~ 25 Comments

copenhagen UCI Track cycling world cup keirin final feb 09

By admin

uci track cycling world cup copenhagen keirin final 2009 ross edgar, chris hoy crash

Excerpt from the feature documentary, Victorian Cycles-Wheels of Change. Produced and directed by Jim Kellett. Today the bicycle is mainly known as a recreational vehicle and is enjoyed by people in every corner of the world. But at its outset, this controversial machine forged roads into society that revolutionized politics, fashion, and social policy as well as paved the way for the mechanized world of motion to come. Victorian Cycles, Wheels of Change is a fascinating documentary about the bicycles coming of age and its tremendous impact on society. It is filled with images of a by-gone era, and the people who embraced its change.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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