16 June 2012 ~ 3 Comments

Men’s and Women’s 1000m Athletics Qualifying – Singapore 2010 Youth Games

By admin

See what went on in qualifying for the men’s and women’s 1000 metres at the 2010 Youth Olympic Games in Singapore
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Sydney Triathlon ITU 2010 Womens finish at the Opera House. Riveros Diaz Wins Thrilling Sprint Finish in Sydney Chiles Barbara Riveros Diaz, a 22-year old member of Team ITU Sport Development, pulled off a stunning upset in Sydney today, topping Kiwi Andrea Hewitt and Australias Emma Moffatt in a thrilling sprint finish to win round one of the Dextro Energy Triathlon ITU World Championship Series. Riveros Diaz stopped the clock in 2:04:19, with Hewitt and Moffatt just one second behind.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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