23 June 2012 ~ 0 Comments

2012 WIN for KC Women’s Sports Awards Celebration – Monica Steiner

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Monica Steiner THE DST SYSTEMS ADVERSITY AWARD Monica Steiner is no stranger to adversity. Both Monica’s mother and brother passed away from cancer. Her husband, Jay, is a leukemia survivor, and in the last five years Monica has battled stage IV metastatic breast cancer twice. Every day she is alive she claims a victory. In January 2010, doctors gave Monica 18 months to live. She has surpassed those 18 months and continues fighting. Throughout her life, Monica has always been an athlete. She played sports in school, and as an adult she embraces numerous outdoor activities. After battling through her first cancer diagnosis, Monica was in remission and determined to show everyone that her treatments wouldn’t get the better of her. She tackled new challenges, such as competing in her first triathlon and swimming from Alcatraz to the shores of San Francisco. Monica continues to makes sports and a healthy lifestyle a priority by competing with her family, Team Steiner, in a variety of activities. Jay recently finished the Kona Ironman in her honor. Her daughter Lauren and son Lance have been competing in triathlons since they were 6 years old. They gladly tackle any challenge presented to them and their coaches praise them for their leadership skills, positive attitudes and competitive fire that they get from Monica.

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