28 June 2012 ~ 12 Comments

Spinning Dreams at Macaracuay Plaza #1 v1

By admin

A never-ending story, repeated four times a week, a get-together of people who love sports, music and over all…….fun. An exciting session of spinning of a group of girls and boys(some grown up, je je), who like laughing and dancing and singing and cheer up. They go in with their daily problems and get out with expanded lungs and increased happiness. Only found in our gym in Macaracuay Plaza in Caracas. Video taken with a Droid Motorola cell phone and edited with a Movie Maker. 4m 31s long, res 480p. Don´t miss a second!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Fitness Club PlanetSport Tartu (Estonia) presented Les Mills RPM – Halloween Mix – 30, October 2011. RPM™ is the indoor cycling workout where you ride to the rhythm of powerful music. Take on the terrain with your inspiring team coach who leads the pack through hills, flats, mountain peaks, time trials, and interval training. Discover your athlete within — sweat and burn to reach your endorphin high. Like all the LES MILLS™ programs, a new RPM™ class is released every three months with new music and choreography. RPM is super fun, please see here – youtu.be Instructor – Risto Bogdanov Operator and video editing – Aavo Les Millsi rühmatreeningute sarja kuuluva sisejalgarttatreeningu RPM Halloween mix versiooni esitlus spordiklubis PlanetSport Tartu (Eeden) – 30.10.2011. RPM™ (Revolutions Per Minute — pööret minutis) kuulub Les Mills kontseptsiooni süsteemi. See on 50-minutiline siseratta rühmatreening, mis jäljendab rattatreeningut looduses. Inspireeriva muusika saatel läbitakse umbes 20-25 km vahelduval maastikul (mäed, künkad, siledad maanteelõigud, kiired laskumised). Treeningu intensiivsus määratakse muutes sõidukoormust ja -kiirust. RPM™ treening aitab suurendada kardiovaskulaarset vastupidavust, põletada rasva, vormida ja tugevdada reie- ning tuharalihaseid. Lisaks kalorikulule annab tund suurepärase meeleolu ja enesetunde. RPM-i suurepärase promoklipi leiad siit – youtu.be Soovid samuti osaleda haaraval sisejalgrattatreeningul koos toredate treeningkaaslastega
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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