30 June 2012 ~ 19 Comments

FitKim Workout #2 Butt & Thighs

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FitKim.com 20-Minute Power workout focusing on the large muscle groups! Warm Up 20 seconds on & 10 seconds rest Butt Kicks Quick Feet Butt Kicks Quick Feet Workout 1 minute for exercise with 15 seconds rest-COMPLETE 2 rounds: Bench Step Ups Bench Dips Duck Unders Wall Squats Jump Squats Bench Lunges Push Ups with Knee Tucks Plank Twists Cool Down: Your Favorite Stretches Kimberly Coventry has been researching nutrition and fitness for nearly a decade. During this time, she has completed her Masters Degree in Holistic Nutrition, become a Certified Nutritional Consultant, Certified NASM dotFIT Coach, marathoner, duathlete and triathlete. She has been consulting clients for over five years, and has developed a passion for combining nutrition and fitness. In her spare time, she teaches Indoor Cycling, Sunday school and writes articles. She is featured in the Hometown Journey Magazine on a monthly basis, and has reached Expert Author status for Ezine Articles. She has recently signed on as a Yahoo! Contributing Author, and is excited about the opportunity to share her knowledge and passion. Her upcoming goals are to publish an e-Cookbook and become a Certified Personal Trainer. Her current recipes can be found on MyRecipes.com and Allrecipes.com. She can be contacted at Kim@FitKim.com for freelance and consulting inquiries. Bonus Article: Healthy Tricks for Traveling How many times have we arrived home from vacation and realized that we were completely derailed from our
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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