22 July 2012 ~ 3 Comments

Chef Ryan Hutmacher, The Centered Chef “Pre & Post Workout Recovery Recipes”

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07/17/09 Marathon and triathlon season in Chicago is in full swing. Personal success with training is not just about logging miles, but balancing proper nutrition. On this WGN Lunchbreak segment, Chef Ryan discusses healthy fueling options for pre- and post-workouts leading to some upcoming races, inlcluding the Fleet Feet Womens 5k 10k this weekend. Learn how to incorporate functional ingredients into Rum-Spiced Trail Mix, Strawberry Spinach Smoothie with Cashew Butter and sandwich wraps with Cannellini Dill Spread or Herbed Black Bean Dip in order to get optimal flavor and nutrtition. Check these recipes out @ centeredchef.com!

Cal Sport Clubs

The Cal Sport Club program — managed by UC Berkeley’s Department of Recreational Sports — offers students competition, instruction, and recreation in 27 sports and activities. The program serves as a competitive alternative to intramural sports, physical education, and intercollegiate athletics by offering team members professional coaching, league travel, and participation in national tournaments. Currently, over 1300 members of the campus community participate in the program. Video produced by Eric Craypo (UC Berkeley) and Michael Coleman (Coleman Film).
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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