23 July 2012 ~ 24 Comments

Avoid This 1 Hormone To Lose Fat

By admin

More hormones that make you FAT: insanehomefatloss.com Hey y’all…what’s up! In this episode, my friend Abby and I are going to tell you a little about the hormones that are making you FAT. These hormones can REALLY sabotage you if you’re trying to lose fat. Things like cortisol, raised by stress, lack of sleep and hunger. Cortisol makes you hold onto some really hard fat to lose. We will tell you about how to minimize cortisol levels. Simplifying your eating plan is one really easy way to control your cortisol levels. Sleep is as important to your fitness goals as your exercise plan. Avoid late caffeine intake and avoid alcohol 3 hours prior to sleep as well. 04:45 Abby also has a veery interesting take on the gym to fight cortisol. 06:15 Here is Abby’s best advice on working out at home. Hope you enjoy the video! And if you’re really serious about losing your belly fat FAST, watch this video right now: insanehomefatloss.com I show you why most people aren’t able to lose their belly fat, even though they’d love to, because they’re making five critical mistakes with their workouts and diet. I’ll show exactly what these mistakes are and how to avoid them. And, I also show you the system that I personally use to lose belly fat and to stay lean. Check out the video here: insanehomefatloss.com If you enjoyed this video, hit the like button and drop us a comment! We love to hear from viewers, and I’ll be regularly reading and replying to the comments below. Train hard, Mike
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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