28 July 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Secrets Out Of The Bag: What Top Fitness Enthusiasts Tell Themselves To Push Through Tough Workouts

By admin

Congratulations, we’ve made it to Friday! It’s taken a lot to get to this point where I can sit down and chat with you!

Fridays are never relaxing in our house. It starts before the sun comes up with boot camps, then I met my BF for a coffee break to catch up (so appreciative of these each month), then on to errands and grocery shopping, and now I just finished scrubbing my house!

Are you ever just flabergasted at how dirty your house gets over the course of just a week? I love my cat, but damn there is always black dust bunnies kitties in the corners!

Good thing is is cute!


And now, Dan and I are getting ready to head to happy hour for a glass or two of wine. Ahhh, much needed! I love casual date nights after a great week of getting things done. It’s a great reward.

Before we leave thought I have to share something…  I was hit by something yesterday during my workout.

And it had everything to do with this sweaty mess…

I caught myself having an internal conversation, the very same one I have every time I am in the middle of a hard workout and want to slow down or even worst, when I want to quit.

That got me thinking, I am sure I am not the only one who has these “fitness mantras” so I went out and asked a few of my fitness friends what they told themselves when workouts got tough and they wanted to half ass things.

Interesting stuff!

Before you read what they have to say, I want you to think about your personal workouts. When things get tough, when you’re dripping sweat, when your heart feels like it just can’t beat any hard or your muscles feel as if they can’t lift one more rep… how do you handle it? It’s easy to give up, to call it a day and give yourself a pat on the back for pushing hard. But do you ever wonder…

“Could I have done better? Pushed through a few more minutes, or a few more reps?” You know the answer. And having your own mantra is key to helping you get better. When you push just a bit harder, those are the moments that help you to improve and get one step closer to the fit chick you want to be.

Top Mantras Of Fitness Fanatics

Me: Don’t think about what you have left, just do it. Do it right, and do it fast… you’re no wimp. (I seriously tell myself I am not wimp probably at least a half dozen times during a hard workout/run).

Tina @ Carrotsncake: “Don’t be a wuss.”

Danielle @ Fitfluential: “No excuses just do it”

Dan @ Fitwomensweekly: “I pretend I am training for something big, sometimes I pretend like I am an Eagles football player at training camp, sometimes I am Rocky getting ready for my next big fight.”

Amanda @Runprincipissa: “I always treat it as if somebody is watching me, so I had better”

Kim (local fit friend): It’s only an hour, after that hour I feel stronger I feel like a super star. You can’t feel like a super start if you give up.

Thanks friends for sharing! :)

So what’s your mantra!? I want to know what you tell yourself. 

Have a great Friday, this girl is out to enjoy a glass of red wine before heading to bed EARLY for a early morning date with my running shoes.

Whip Six Feed

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