29 July 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Thursday: Why I’ll Miss You

By admin

I have very exciting news… Lifting Revolution has outgrown our current server so we have some very nice guys helping to move it to a new one, which means the site will also move faster for you and for me!

This will rock because sometimes putting images up in my posts takes forever so this should help things be much more productive on my side. Of course that means I will want to post even more with all the time I will be saving! :)

I would have had Thursday’s post completely finished but we just got the confirmation of the change for tomorrow and it’s 10:00 pm. Those nice guys don’t want me messing around on the back end of things while they’re in there doing whatever it is they will be doing.

I love you, but Top 10 Thursday will be pushed to Top 10 Friday (trust me, it will be awesome). If you missed last week’s Top 10 Reasons You Don’t Have a Flat Stomach, check it out.

But I don’t want to leave you with nothing (that sucks) so I will give a mini Top 10:

Top 10 Reasons Why I’ll Miss You! 

10. Writing my blog is an hour I get to get all my thoughts out, it’s cathartic.

9. I love reading your comments and reactions! It makes my day.

8.  It will throw me off schedule… now what to do during my “blog time”? Trust me, I won’t have issues filling that space.

7. I can talk to you while looking like a mess… fitness clothes, no make-up, hair like a rat’s nest, and you still visit (thanks big time for that).

6. I can be myself with you. There is no sugar coating here at LR, this is me. If you visit Charleston, I would love to grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

5. I get to pretend to be a writer. I was a science dork all my life, I hated writing because I thought I was terrible. But Lifting Revolution has helped me to realize I don’t have to write perfect to be a good writer. It’s all about the convo!

4. Blogging takes my mind off food. Sounds silly, but I blog about an hour or 2 before lunch. It keeps the hunger pains away and it’s like a reward once the post is up… what will a girl do? I guess I will want to eat lunch at 10 am.

3. It keeps me connected to the world. I don’t watch tv, so while I am blogging and researching I catch up on all the trends, news and gossip going on. These things are very important! Keep me posted, will ya?

2. You rock. End of story.

1. Because I am thankful for you! Have a fabulous Thursday, I will see you back on Friday!

Whip Six Feed

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