31 July 2012 ~ 1 Comment


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Vegan Ultraman Rich Roll and Julie Piatt of JAI LIFESTYLE prepare plant-based vegan mushroom gravy for your holiday meal. EDITED: By the wonderful Cat Vogel www.vogelcat.com MUSIC “Robot on the Rocks” by Tyler Piatt For more information on the JAI SEED eCookbook and to order: www.jai-lifestyle.com For more information on Rich Roll www.richroll.com For more information on JAI LIFESTYLE www.jai-lifestyle.com
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Falling Leaf Video’s highlight production of the 2012 Sunsmart Ironman 70.3 Busselton. With the imminent threat of storms and gale force winds on the day before the event, mother nature kindly allowed a full day of fine weather for the entire race with the competitors often basking in the Autumn sunshine. Despite the conditions, a huge crowd turned to support the record field of competitors, including a high quality international professional field. The race was won by James Hodge (3:55:08) ahead of Matty White (3:56:33) who matched his second place performance from the 2011 event. Third place went to New Zealand’s Callum Millward (3:58:07). In the women’s field it was two local girls who provided the parochial crowd with much to cheer about. Ironman legend, Kate Bevilaqua (4:22:19) was unable to hold off Felicity Sheedy-Ryan (4:21:27) who took the title of Ironman 70.3 Busselton champion after an electrifying run leg, bettering her second place finish from 2011. New South Wales’ Lisa Marangon finished third after posting the fastest swim and bike times. Visit busseltonhalf.com to find out more about the event or to keep track of details for the 2013 event.
Video Rating: 4 / 5