12 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top 5 Motivational And Entertaining Books To Read ASAP

By admin

Happy Sunday! I feel like this weekend has sped by far too quickly. With the tournament on Friday, all of my weekend plans have been skewed a bit. Though a little change feels great but definitely throws me off.

I woke up early yesterday morning for my long run, but after being out in the sun all day Friday, and from stuffing my broken toe into a pair of sneakers for 10+ hours, I decided to push my run off a morning. I caught up on my sleep but I did wake up this morning and covered 9.5 miles!

The rest of Saturday was spent farmer’s market date, cleaning the house, catching up on work, sipping some wine and watching golf.

Because we’re crazy party animals we concluded our domestic evening with a movie and some bed time reading.

I try to read a little bit night, some nights I am just too exhausted that I am luckily if I make it through 3 pages before I nod off (I have even flinched so hard while reading/sleeping that I hit myself in the face with my book). Other nights I  have to force myself to put the book down.

While I love fun books like fun “fad” fiction stuff, in the past few years I have focused my reading to books that make me feel better and have a more positive mind set, at least in one way or another.

I feel that our quest to be the best we can be should never come to an end, and I am always struggling to realize that I can accomplish so much more than I ever thought possible.

So I thought you might like to know what has made it’s way onto the night stand and actually kept my attention long enough to make it through more than 3 pages at a time. I promise, if I can actually read it, then that’s an indicator it is a good one!

Though these are directly about health/fitness they can be! If you’re looking for a pick me up, support or extra drive… then read one of these.

5 Amazing Books To Motivate, Inspire And Enjoy!

Shut Up And Give Me The Mic.

This is Dee Snider’s bio of his Twisted Sister days. Dan recommended it after he started and because I had nothing else on the night stand that particular evening, I figured it would be better than nothing for just one night. I was wrong, and hooked immediately. Dee is not your typical rock star, he never partied, never drank, never cheated on his wife, and he teaches about passion, perseverance, and leadership.

If you want things to happen, just shut up and do it. Be your own frontman! Seriously, while reading this book, I wanted to say “F-yeah… I can do x,y,and z… and be awesome while making it happen!”.

Check it out: Shut Up And Give Me The Mic

Start Where You Are.

Did you ever see Will Smith in The Pursuit of Happyness? Well, then you might remember that he played Chris Gardner. Chris is a huge motivational speaker, awesome author and such an inspiration. I loved the movie (Dan saw it in the theater twice) and we are both fans of his books.

This is one I have on audio. It’s so positive and entertaining in the same way. Most motivational books just tell you what to do. Not this one, Gardner gives examples from his own childhood and life to put it all into perspective making you enjoy the journey and have a few “ah ha” moments. If you only choose one of these books, READ THIS! Please. And let me know what you think.

Check it out: Start Where You Are

With Malice Toward None: The Life of Abraham Lincoln.

This was another book Dan tossed at me to give me. I had nothing new to read and he picked out this. I have no idea why it was on his bookshelf, he told me he had never read it himself. But I am glad he had it, it is my all time favorite book.

I love biographies and this man was ahead of his time! It’s inspiring and motivating. I promise that it’s actually an easy read and you quickly get pulled into the story.

Check out: With Malice Toward None

Eat and Run.

I’ve mentioned this book already at Lifting Revolution and that’s because it’s that good. Scott Jurek, the writer, is an ultra-marathon runner and vegan. While the book is about his running experience and what drives him to compete in races that are over 100 miles, it is more than that. What fuels him to run can be used by anyone to do whatever it is you want to do. Run, lose weight, get a promotion, be a better spouse, etc.

I listened to this on audio as I ran, and well, it kept me going when I wanted to stop. I kept reminding myself, look at what this guy can do, I can at least finish this “little” run!

He’s also the author of Born to Run which I thick I might start listening to next.

Check out: Eat and Run

Pour Your Heart Into It: Story Of Starbucks.

Who doesn’t love Starbucks! And you can’t tell me you haven’t wondered once or twice how they get started and ended up taking over the latte world? This was the first business(ish) book I ever read. After I decided against med school, I started looking for support, motivation and drive to even think about starting my own business. This book helped.

Learn from Howard Schultz himself and the truth behind the coffee conglomerate.

Check out: Pour Your Heart Into It

Okay, now I need help from you! What should I grab next? Answer these questions to help me out.

  • What kind of books do you enjoy reading? 
  • What’s your favorite?

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