18 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Hitting A New Running “Mile”stone & Braless Boot Camp Adventures

By admin

Yay for Saturday! I hope your’s is off to a wonderful start. Of course mine started far too early, climbing out of bed at 4:50 to chow down on some oatmeal and go through my pre-run rituals before hitting the road.

At least I had this pretty little girl loving on me to help wake me up!

Dan and I are pretty positive that Nike thinks that the world revolves around her. She could be right.

I was really pumped because I had a new goal to set out to hit, run 11 miles. I told Dan (remember, this is a must) and walked out the door ready to bring my A-game.

I started prepping for the challenge during last night’s dinner. The dinner along with a bottle of coconut water (and a glass of wine) was a great way to get energized for my longest run yet.

vegan ceviche

On the menu: Vegan ceviche over barley and cauliflower. It was based off a recipe I found at The First Mess and we both loved it! Fresh and perfect for summer time.

So I had a great dinner, great hydration, my toe was feeling awesome, I was armed with goo…

How did it go? 

I did it! This is a huge accomplishment, just think back in March I was only doing 6 mile runs and now… double digits baby!

I made it downtown right around 6 am, there was a slight chill left in the air from an earlier thunderstorm so it actually felt great. On the I-pod I tuned out by listening to a few podcast and I just let the miles roll by.

To be honest when I got back to my car it was right around 10.03 miles, I could have easily stopped, but knowing I had announced 11 miles to be my goal, I did a quick mile loop! Oh yea!

It feel great having those miles under my belt and though the 1/2 marathon is still about 8-weeks out, I am feeling prepared and ready.

When I got home, I did some foam rolling while Dan ate breakfast and then we headed out the door for the farmer’s market. I guess my mind was still on the run, and I am not quite sure where Dan’s was because we forgot to put money in the parking meter and came back to a nice ticket. Bummer.

We did at least get some great food! Even better, since we’re leaving for Phili on Thursday we only need meals for 3 nights!

Braless Shenanigans 

In other news, I can not believe I forgot to tell you this story!

The other day, I took my mom to lunch for her birthday. I wore a tank and a strapless bra, and you better believe that the second I walked through the door I flung took the bra off for comfort.

I set about my normal routine of blogging, making workouts, etc before it was time to head out to teach a boot camp.

Once I was about 20 minutes away from my house, it finally hit me that something felt “off”. Like, oh crap I took my bra off and now I have nothing on! 

It’s not like I am big chested, but I still don’t think that the ladies in my class would appreciate me doing burpees with “the girls” doing their own version of the exercise.

I wasn’t about to turn around so I pulled into a target, still braless, and picked up just a sports bra. Considering that I was in fitness clothes and crossing my arms over my chest, I am sure I looked pretty hilarious.

Moral of the story, make sure the girls are locked in before doing any sort of physical activity! My lovely ladies got a kick of the story and at least I got a new sports bra out of it.

  • What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done in regards to exercising? 
  • Do you have a nick-name for your girls?

While this might seem a bit embarrassing it’s definitely not the worst thing to happen. A hole in my crotch is ranked up top, followed by completely dislocating me shoulder and having the EMS have to come pick me up.

As for my ladies, when I was a teenage, my best friend and I named them “Water” and “Melon”, I guess we were hoping that big names would lead to big results… nope.

On The Docket For The Day

Dan is off to study at the library and I am off to do some baking in the kitchen!

I am making a vegan birthday cake for my mom and dad’s birthdays: White Macadamia Coconut Cake with chocolate filling and coconut macadamia nut frosting! Hopefully they’ll like it! I will be taking pictures (check them out on facebook a bit later).

Then its dinner with friends!

Enjoy your Saturday!

Whip Six Feed

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