19 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Perfect Sunday Morning Breakfast: Vegan Pancakes {Recipe}

By admin

Good morning friends! Sundays are my favorite, the only morning I get to wake up with out my alarm clock screaming at me, the only morning I get to sit with my husband and eat breakfast and the only morning I get to make my favorite:

Which also happens to be the superstar of the post today, I can’t believe how many times I have mentioned eating Sunday pancakes, yet I haven’t shared my recipe with you yet!

You deserve an apology, I am sorry! Because these pancakes are that good and you should make them today… for the entire family!

Serve it up with a side of fruit and you’re speaking my language (local peaches for me)!

Before I get into the best vegan pancake recipe in the world, let’s cover last night’s agenda, shall we?

I had a date-less night. One of my clients and good friends is getting ready to have her baby so several of us met up for dinner at a local restaurant, The Mustard Seed. A few brought their husbands but I left Dan behind to study some courses he’s taking and practice up on golf.

I arrived early to get our table, and while I waited I sipped on a bottle of champagne. Yup, a bottle.

mini korbel bottle

How cute! I love these single serving bottles, plus they let me know that the champagne isn’t going to be flat from sitting in the fridge opened up already.

Once everyone showed up, we got some hummus to munch on while we chatted the night away. I can’t ignore hummus on any menu, and this one was delish. I loved the broccoli option!

For dinner I chose stir-fry veggies over brown rice. It was good but nothing to write home about, I guess that’s why I forgot to take a picture? The veggies were just zucchini, carrots, onions and very thinly sliced mushrooms. I ate all the veggies but left most of the rice. I’m not a huge rice eater.

After dinner we ended up chit-chatting for about 2 more hours until finally I called it a night. After waking up at 4:50, I was dead tired. I literally walked into the house, and was in bed in under twenty minutes.

It was a great night and I wish Lynette and Cory the best with their upcoming bundle!

Now, back to that pancake…

This makes one large pancake!

The BEST Vegan Pancake Recipe

What I love most about these is the texture, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside!

  • 1/4 cp. oats
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/4 cp. almond milk
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tsp chia seeds
  1. In a small blender, blend it all up to a smooth consistency.
  2. Heat 2 tsp coconut oil in a skillet on med-high heat.
  3. Pour in batter and cook ~2-3 minutes, until edges begin to look cooked, then flip and cook ~2-3 more minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and top with 1 tsp nut butter (I had macadamia-almond) and a drizzle of syrup.

Go give it a go and let me know what you think.

For the remainder of the day my schedule is quickly filling up! Podcast, interviews, workout design, and family dinner for my parent’s birthdays! Trying to get ahead of the game since we will be heading to Phili on Thursday.

What’s your favorite Sunday breakfast? 

Whip Six Feed

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