21 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Prepping For 11 Hours On The Road: Traveling Workout Plans

By admin

On Thursday morning Dan and I will be hopping into Pico (his car) and starting this trip:

Leaving from Charleston to head first up to Washington, DC where Dan’s sister lives. There we’ll stop for dinner with my friend Sarah, stay the night with my sister-in-law then finish the rest of the trip to Phili early Friday morning.

Then we repeat the trip on Sunday, except we will be driving the ENTIRE way back home. Ugh.

Why the short trip? Dan’s cousin is getting married and it’s a great excuse to spend a weekend with family and dance the night away.

We’re really good at the dancing part, check out these killer “Reel Me In” Moves!

What sucks though is that I am the biggest procrastinator ever for traveling and events. I have yet to get a hair cut, I have nothing to wear to the wedding, and what’s worst is that I have no idea when I’ll find the time to get either of those two issues resolved.

Anyone else bad at trip planning?

I think it’s taking it’s toll on me because all morning I have been having serious stomach issues, I’m thinking stress is involved.

But even though I suck at planning for some parts of traveling, I am of course ahead of the game for planning my travel workouts! With my race not too far away, I can’t neglect my 1/2 marathon training.

So here’s what I plan to do, and what I recommend for anyone traveling but still wanting to fit workouts in!

How I Travel And Workout


My in-laws live right beside Valley Forge so I am stoked to run the battlefield trails (and a bit scared because of all the hills), but since it’s not an area I am familar with I refuse to do it blindly.

Mapmyrun is a great way to get familiar with the roads around you when your’e someplace new and want to plan out a safe route. Whenever I run in a new area, I can’t help but hear my mother’s voice asking “Is this safe?” With this website, I can get a great run laid out and feel comfortable with it.

My run route for Saturday:

Jump Rope

This is the BEST piece of fitness gear ever. You get the most bang for your buck for sure and if you don’t have a jump rope get one ASAP.

Did you know that jumping rope is equivalent to running a 10 mile/hr pace?

If you haven’t jumped rope since you were a kid you’re probably thinking, oh that was so much fun! And it is, but it’s amazing the “fun” things as a kid becomes the “holy crap, my heart is beating out of my chest” things as an adult.

Dan and I will be packing up our jump ropes and doing this  workout:

Give it a try and let me know if you agree with me on the intensity of the workout.

Just incase you’re curious here is my workout schedule while we’re gone:

Traveling Workout Plans

Friday morning: I really want to run the monuments and the mall of DC but we’re getting on the road too early… so instead I am going to do sprint-hill intervals at my in-laws.

Sprint 20 seconds, rest 1 minute (walking back down the hill) and repeat for 15 minutes. I am also planning on doing the 10 minute jump rope workout above with some push-ups and other boot camp style exercises tossed in for a completely balanced workout lasting around 40 minutes.

Saturday morning: Hit up Valley Forge for my med-long run. Dan is training for the mud run we’re doing in October, but because he’s not a distance runner, he’ll be on the bike. Let’s see how many times he laps me! Any bets?

Sunday morning: I normally wouldn’t want to do anything on Sunday, but since we will be in the car for around 11 hours, I think I am going to try and get both of us up early enough to do the jump rope workout. Nothing crazy, just something to get the blood flowing before we have to sit down for that loooooonnnnnng drive.

What I’m Packing: 

  • Jump ropes (his/her)
  • GPS Watch
  • MapMyRun Route (above)
  • Workout Clothes

Nothing crazy that takes up room in our suite cases!

  • Are we the only ones that name our car? 
  • Do you workout when away from home? 

Whip Six Feed

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