25 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Tosca Reno Likes Me (She Really Likes Me) & Adventures In DC

By admin

You’ve made it to the weekend! We’ve made it to Phili and have had a great but busy time so far. I’ve missed you and feel very unconnected. Luckily I was able to get some internet access time this morning!

Which is a plus because I have something so freaking cool to share!

Do you remember me raving about my chocolate turtle energy bites a few weeks back?

Well, it just so happens that renowned clean eating queen, Tosca Reno, liked them enough to share them at her blog yesterday!

So please, head over there today and give some love: Tosca Reno Blog.

I feel honored to be on her blog. When Tosca was first starting to get “big” in the health and fitness world was right around the time I started The Art of Weight Lifting (now: Fit Women’s Weekly). She was one of the first interviews I ever did and was just so motivating to talk with. Very kind, supportive and encouraging.

So thanks Tosca for then and now!

Recap Part 1: DC Wine Time

This trip though fast, has been filled with so many “mini” adventures!

We packed our snack bag for the road with goodies and started the trip around 10 am.

When we arrived in DC (6:30pm) we went straight to meet up with my friend, Sarah who recently moved back to DC after living in Charleston for a bit.

Since she was quite familiar with the drive and it’s affects to make anyone go into almost a comatose state, she took us straight to cocktail hour at the most charming little wine cafe to bring us back to life.

A glass of white please!

From wine, it was dinner time and after walking around a bit we settled on a pizza joint. I’ll try to ask Sarah what the name of it was called.

We started with red bean hummus before settling on personal sized pizzas all the way around.

I haven’t ordered a pizza in over 2 years (does that make me weird)! But when they told me they could make it vegan I was all about the pizza idea. Topped with marinara, sundried tomatoes, basil and eggplant, this thing rocked!

I may have eaten the entire thing… don’t judge me.

My stomach did enough of the judging the next morning, don’t you worry. But I managed to do a speedy 3 miles and a quick weight training circuit before my sister-in-law took us to a great little french cafe in Old Town where they served vegan options!

The restaurant was called Le Pain Quotidien (“The Daily Bread”) and was charming. Great tables, fresh baked goods and great options for both vegans and nonvegs alike.

My sister-in-law Jessica, enjoyed their vegan banana oats, Dan had the asparagus fritatta, and I chowed down on cinnamon rice pudding and fruit salad! All of us left very satisfied.

From there is was back on the road to finish the drive up to Phili, the drive might have included some ridiculous attempts at rapping (thanks to crazy apps, I never knew existed), and learning about #YoLo (you only life once)… so now anytime someone doesn’t want to do something “YOLO” comes out… gotta love peer pressure at it’s finest.

More adventures to come!

  • What’s on the agenda for the day? 
  • Do you like road trips? 

Love you all!

Whip Six Feed

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