03 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

A Quick Calorie Burning Laborious Workout For Labor Day

By admin

Happy Labor Day! I hope you’re enjoying this day away from work, and if you are one of the few that finds yourself working, then my thoughts are with you!

Though, I can’t say anything myself since the day is just a normal run of the mill Monday for us. Luckily, I love what I do and don’t find it too labor intensive.

Did you find yourself indulging a bit more than normal over the weekend? Don’t you worry you’re not alone. In fact, did you know that Labor Day is the second largest cookout event of the year? Food for thought!

If you found yourself eating a bit off this weekend or you know you’ll be enjoying a bit more beer, burgers and chips later on today then that is all the motivation you need to do this workout.

It only takes 10 minutes, it’ll will get your heart rate up, burn off some calories and take away some of the guilt you might have from overindulging these past few days.

Labor Day Cookout Calorie Burner Workout

Here are some other fun facts I found on Labor Day that I thought might be of some interest! If nothing more than to say later on today, “Hey, did you know…”

Labor Day Fun Facts

Labor Day is always the first Monday in September, It was first celebrated Sept 5, 1882 to honor the American Workers.

Can’t wear white after Labor day? This is a big no-no here in the South. I have heard it’s relaxed else where in the country but here in Charleston, if you wear white bottoms from here on out you will raise eyebrows. So where did it come from? It’s believe that the upper class ladies used to wear white on summer vacations, after Labor Day they changed their wardrobes back to dark colors for their return to the dirty, dusty cities.

154.4 million is the number of people 16 years old and older in America’s labor force.

24.3 minutes: the average commute to work.

Oregon: First state to declare Labor Day a holiday!

Unofficial NFL Kickoff: 99.44% of the time, the NFL kicks off the season the Thursday after Labor Day… GO EAGLES!

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