09 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Meet The New Girl: 3 New Ways To Get Motivated To Sweat {Guest Post}

By admin

Happy Sunday! I woke up this morning for some reason thinking it was Monday and had a split second panic attack thinking I was late… luckily I quickly realized I was allowed to sleep in. Love love love Sundays.

Every happen to you?

Today’s post is a special one, it’s a guest post! Now, if you’ve been a long time reader of Lifting Revolution then you know I don’t have guest posts very often. I am quite picky in wanting to give the best info!

Amanda came to me looking for an internship for her health major. She goes to the local college (College of Charleston) and wanted to help train my boot camps. After speaking with her and seeing her experience I was immediately excited! So excited in fact, that I asked if she would like to do a blog post from time to time to help towards her internship and share some of her awesome fitness experiences.

So here is her very first blogger experience. Give her some love!

Hi Everyone!

My name is Amanda and I just recently became an ISSA certified fitness trainer. I am 20 years old and I am a junior at the College of Charleston studying public health as well as women and gender studies.

I am so thankful to have this opportunity to observe, to learn, and to work with Taylor!

Ok, so a little background on me:

Fitness has been a huge part of my life growing up. I am from Long Island, New York where there is always something new to try and where everyone is constantly on the move! I have competed in triathlons and surf contests, ran cross-country, taken many Pilates, yoga, and Crossfit classes and trained with a variety of trainers to see and learn different styles. Currently, I row for the College of Charleston Crew.

Things I love: 

Surfing, the beach, hard weight training workouts, trying new things, going on crazy adventures, traveling, and cupcakes (guilty!).

My favorite Workout: 

Anything to rip and tear my abs apart! Gotta love a great ab workout!

The Support I Can’t Live Without 

I think you can agree with me, having people that have your back will help push you farther than you ever though possible. I’ve been blessed to have an amazing support system!

Source: I love this image found on pinterest. If anyone know the original please let me know. 

One trainer I had the privilege of working with back home in New York was a man named Tyron. He showed me there is no such thing as “I can’t” in fitness. He has taught me so much and brought me further in my training then I ever dreamed I could go. He continues to be a huge supporter and encourager in my life.

My boyfriend Josh is my absolute best friend and encourager. No matter how tough life gets, he reminds me everyday to just keep fighting for my dreams and to never give up. He supports me in all aspects of my life and is my #1 fan!

Last but certainly not least, my parents Lois and Ray. I thank them for all of the wonderful opportunities they have given me over the years. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without them. They have helped me make so many of my dreams come true.

Working out is not always easy, but it is always rewarding. 

Here are 3 things I constantly remind myself & others to stay strong and motivated:

1. Try something new! You never know you can do something until you try it! Step out of your comfort zone and keep the spice in life! This will also keep you from getting bored with the same workout routines and who knows, maybe you will find something new that you love!

You have one life so LIVE IT!

2. Be realistic! As women, we are faced with a lot of images and criticisms about our bodies from the media, society, and MEN! Ladies, we are all beautiful in our own way! Not everyone is built tall and skinny with minimal curves! I know I am not! Know your body type and learn to be happy and comfortable in the beautiful body you have been given. Set your goals high, but be realistic for yourself to avoid getting burned out and frustrated. Learn to love the beautiful you!

3. Go the extra mile! There are days where working out is rough! We are tired and stressed and sometimes just don’t want to do it! As much as you don’t want to and as much as your body might fight you, do that extra set, finish that mile, do 3 extra sit-ups. Don’t take the easy way out no matter how tempting it may be. Challenge yourself everyday and you will have great progress!

I look forward to working and meeting all of you! My goal is to help make women healthy, fit, and happy!


PS- If you haven’t yet read the recap from the race yesterday do it here.

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