18 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

There’s How Much Sugar In That!?

By admin

Good morning! Happy Tuesday.

Today is officially my 2 year wedding anniversary. It seems like just yesterday I was jumping around getting ready for my wedding!

While I required A LOT of help to get ready, he got to chill at the church:

Time flies, I hate to be cheesy but I feel so blessed to be married to a guy that stands by me, supports me, makes me laugh, and is not only my partner in life but business. We’re together A LOT and we still love each other, I think that’s a good sign! :)

I can’t wait for many more years together!

But enough sappy stuff, if you want to read about what we did for our anniversary you can read the recap here. Yup, we all already celebrated since I’ll be in Baltimore this weekend.

How Much Sugar Are In The Things You Have In The Pantry? 

I always forget about the awesome tools I have at my fingertips. My mom-in-law is a registered dietician and has given me so many helpful tools to help explain nutrition to you and my clients.

Sadly, I seem to always forget about them though :(

I found my bag of goodies last week while I was cleaning and knew I just had to share.

One tool she gave me, shows exactly how much sugar are in some of the most common foods we indulge in. I’m not here to scare you to never eat these foods again, but I do want to bring about awareness so that we keep them to a minimum and practice moderation.

Moderation is key… and allows for us to “enjoy the spices of life.”

So check out this video I did and let me know what you think!

  • Do you indulge in any of these foods regularly?

Below the video you can see the recap of just how much sugar is in the items I mention and a few others.

Sugar Breakdown: How Many Teaspoons Of Sugar Are In…

Any surprises? Or is it pretty much what you had pictured in your mind? To be honest, I was pretty shocked at the coke content… I knew it was filled with a lot of sweetness, but Wowza!

Of course I can’t talk about teaspoons of sugar without thinking about Mary Poppins, so that’s what I’ll leave you with!

What’s your favorite Disney Movie?

For me, I love Beauty And The Beast! I used to dance around pretending to be Belle when I was little. Don’t tell me, I am the only one?

Whip Six Feed

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