20 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top Ten Reasons To Exercise That Has Nothing To Do With Weight Loss or Health!

By admin

Good morning! I’m on the road headed to Baltimore for the FitBloggin Conference. I am really excited to meet some amazing fitness bloggers and to learn some awesome stuff to help LR be the best blog it can be ;)

Planning a trip for a fitness conference has had me thinking a lot about exercise and fitness in general. Why do we do it? Why do you do it?

Of course losing weight, toning up and living a healthy lifestyle are on the list but there are so many other reasons why I love to exercise.

So I introduce to you Top 10 Thursday:

My Top 10 Reasons For Exercises Aside From Weight Loss And Health

10. Quick To Bed Early To Rise

When I was in my late teens and early twenties, I used to toss and turn for hours before finally falling asleep. I just worried about everything, thought about my day, and did everything I could except zone out.

Now, Dan makes fun of my because I am literally out within 5 minutes of closing my eyes. I blame it on the fast paced life and workouts. My body needs to recover and that comes from sleep. Thank you workouts, thank you.

Since I wake up at 5 am, every minute I get to sleep counts. If it takes me 20 minutes to fall asleep that’s 20 minutes I lose!

9. Workout Shoes Have Personality

I am a shoe freak! I love shoes, they make me happy and I don’t really care what kind they are.

When I was in college, my roommate was on the track team. She used to tell me all the time, that the bolder and louder your shoes were, the faster you would be. And people would assume you were an awesome athlete.

That has stuck… fun workout shoes are awesome and you simply can’t feel like the badass you should if you’re not, well, working out in them!

I had another client tell me she loved me shoes but her boyfriend wouldn’t let her have bright turquoise running shoes until she was a “badass”.

Who cares, if the shoes make you feel like one, then you are one!

8. Clear Skin 

I know we all associate sweat with grease and pimples (just the word pimple is gross to me), but in actuality sweating helps to clear out the pours of your skin, push out the dirt and grime and fights against pimples.

The trick to helping that work for you is to wash your face right after a workout though! So the next time you try to blame sweat for a breakout, think again. Sure, from time to time I might have a friend pop up, but it’s pretty rare.

Zits are no competition for exercise!

7. Twinge Of Jealousy

All of us have a bit of a green monster living inside. I honesty think women have a larger monster than men which is why we all secretly like to make our friends jealous.

Whether its about trips you take, clothes you wear, dinners you enjoy, or your body. We like to be the best (in the eyes of our friends).

Working out helps that to be possible! They’ll look at you and always say, “gosh, I really need to start working out.” A.K.A… “Gosh, you look awesome, I wish I looked like you.”

Correct me if I’m wrong on this on.

6. Look Cute Sweating

There are so many cute options now a days for exercising. No longer are we confined to wearing cotton shorts and our husbands old t-shirts.

I love getting a new workout outfit, and parading around. Not only do most workout pants make your butt look awesome, but they’re comfortable too! Comfort, cute, stylish… I’ll take it! And if you look good working out, then you’ll feel better and workout harder! Double points.

I need those clothes above! Varsity; Lululemon and Under Armour

5. Wanna Be Friends? 

No matter if you workout outside, at the gym, with a group, etc… you’ll find new people to talk with. You will see the same faces and eventually you won’t be able to avoid some sort of introduction.

I’ve met amazing friends through working out and fitness events. In fact, next month I am running a race with a fitness friend that lives in DC! Can’t wait.

These friends are the ones that I can lean on for motivation, share experiences with, and convince to try crazy new things with me.

Speaking of… Anyone wanna do the Disney 1/2 with me next year? Anyone? anyone?

4. Guiltless Splurges

I don’t think that exercise is an excuse to eat whatever the heck you want but it does help give peace of mind when you go a bit crazy from time to time.

I am not going to lie, when I know I had a really hard workout, I don’t feel so bad about going back for seconds or grabbing a cookie.

I know that I burn A LOT of calories each week, and I know I need to make up for them… so glass of wine? Why not?

3. Better Clothing Options

I had a client recently announce she had to go shopping because her skinny jeans, were no long skinny… just jeans. Forget about the actual weight loss, and just focus on the changes that can happen to your body when you workout and eat right.

Clothes that you thought you would never be able to fit into or look good in, can look amazing and become a staple in your wardrobe.

Who says you can’t wear skinny jeans or pants tucked inside of boots? Screw that, yes you can!

2. Better Sex Life 

Yup, I said it.

Research shows that people who exercise regularly have better sex lives. They feel more confident under on top of the sheets and are more willing to relax with their partner.

Exercise helps with endurance, strength, and flexibility… all three are pluses for fun times. And of course, a healthy sex life is also directly related to a happy relationship.

So basically, just exercising can help have a healthy and long marriage, right?

1. The Addiction 

If you add exercise into your daily life, after awhile, you’ll realize you actually crave it. You miss it when you aren’t able to get a workout in, and you get excited to try new and challenging exercises. Like most things in life, exercise can become addictive.

Kept in a healthy balance, this addiction is a blessing. It means that it’s a part of your life for good, and that you’ll no longer have to try and convince yourself that you need to workout. You want to!

I love it! I need exercise, and it makes me feel great, energized and excited.

So there ya have it folks, the top reasons to exercise!

What’s the number 1 reason you workout?

Is there anything that should be added to the list?

Have a great Thursday! Check in on me at Twitter to get updates of the conference! I’ll also be posting up tons of instagram photos of the weekend too!

See ya in Baltimore!

Whip Six Feed

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