22 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

I Did The One Workout I Swore I Would Never Do

By admin

Yup, I went against a promise I have publicly announced serveral times. I did a workout that I SWORE I would never, ever, ever do… Zumba. And now I know why I didn’t want to do it.

But first things first, and as a warning… I am sorry, these pictures were taken with my iphone. But they still rock!

Being Fit At FitBloggin’

Since Thursday, I have been in Baltimore for the FitBloggin Conference. It has been awesome (so far), and extremely busy! I have so much to share when I get home. But some things I couldn’t  push off.

Being at a fitness conference, clearly means that fitness can’t be avoided! I was really excited, and anxious to try out some new forms of workouts and weary about others.

I am almost always willing to try something new, and you never know, possibly learn a thing or two to bring back to bootcamps and Fit Womens Weekly!

So, let’s rewind to yesterday. Friday. I woke up bright and early and headed out for a run with some awesome bloggers. After 7.5 miles, I peeled off my soaked clothes, put on a new layer of fitness clothes and headed down for crossfit.

Crossfit and Reebok were sponsors of the conference, so of course we were invited into try a workout. I was excited to see if Crossfit would live up to it’s name and kick our butts.

Sadly, it didn’t.

I guess they wanted to make a workout that was acceptable for everyone. So I understand, but with just 6 minutes of exercise, I was sad, and thankful I did the morning run.

FitBloggin’s WOD (workout of the day)

We did a partner workout (my partner was the gorgeous Alicia from Poise In Parma). While one person did an exercise for 60 seconds, the other rested, motivated the other and counted reps. Then rolls were reversed. The circuit below was repeated one more time for what equated to 6 minutes of exercise per person.

Our exercise were: 

  • Squats
  • Sit-ups
  • Burpees

The workout might have been slightly disappointing but our trainer rocked. He looked like a bad ass and stood by me pushing me to work harder, pump out more reps. His name… Thor. Seriously! With a name like Thor, you expect a screaming beast, thanks Thor.

I Did The 1 Workout I Said I Would Never Do

This morning I set my alarm to get up and do the “early bird” workout, but my body was clearly exhausted and begged me to sleep in. So I gave in! Crazy, right? I know you’re proud.

After my roomies and I finally rolled out of bed (7:15… okay not so early), we grabbed breakfast and talked about the morning schedule. Zumba was on the docket and was the big ticket item a lot of the attendees wanted to do.

A lot, but not me.

It’s not that I am against Zumba, to each his own. It just isn’t something I wanted to do. Not my thing… from what I had seen I considered it more of a Richard Simmons sort of style.


With that image in mind, I decided to take a walk/run instead.

Except that I gave in.

I didn’t want to miss out on hanging with my new blogger friends, and I figured Zumba deserved the same chance as any other fitness program. So after a quick 2 mile jog, I was back to the hotel and in the Zumba room.

I learned a BIG lesson… prepare yourself… ready?

I can’t dance. At all.

I am pretty sure I looked like a fish on land, flopping about.

I also learned that I was right, Zumba just isn’t “my thing”. But at least I tried. I gave it a shot, and instead of making assumptions, I can give a real, bonified opinion. And that in itself, is worth the hour of seizure like moves my body went through.

Moving On Fitness

Tomorrow morning is the “Fun 5K” run. Apparently, its just a fun run, so I’ll just take it mile by mile. No PR attempts here! I don’t want to be “that girl”, you know the only one that takes it seriously. Hahaha, but you never know :)

Then I’m hitting the road for home. See you Monday, can’t wait for my routine to get back on track!

Love and miss you!

  • Is there a workout that you tried but wasn’t crazy about? 
  • Do you like Zumba, or other dance style fitness classes?

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