01 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Let The October Challenge Begin: Small Changes Yield BIG Results

By admin

Last week I made a grand announcement…

I would give up latte’s for the entire month of October!

And then I asked you to join in the challenge with me by giving up just 1 thing from your diet that you know isn’t so great for you.

Many of you jumped in and made amazing promises! After all, with the 1st of the month starting on a Monday, that makes it the BEST month to start a challenge.

Here are just a few of the things you guys said you’ll give up with me:

  • Office treats… it seems a lot of you work in places that bring in way too many cookies, cakes, pies, candy, and all the other junk we try to stay away from.
  • Pizza
  • Beer/Wine
  • Lattes/coffee (thanks, we’ll go through it together!)
  • Chocolate
  • Evening snacking
  • Cheese
  • Cokes (diet and regular)
If you haven’t joined in yet, it’s not too late!

It might seem hard, but let’s face it, it’s only 1 month out of the entire year. I think know we can do it. Plus I will be keeping track of my progress along the way! After just a week, cravings should subside and the rest of the month should and will be a breeze.

What’s the reason behind the October Challenge? I am a firm believer that small changes = big results.

I had a client one time that gave up sweet tea. That was it, just sweet tea. And guess what? She dropped over 20 pounds. It wasn’t overnight, but making one small change to her diet had a huge impact.

Same idea here.

Why am I giving up lattes? 

For a few reasons. Look above at how many lattes I have posted on the blog/instagram already (there are more, I just couldn’t find them). I think it’s clear I have an issue:

First, when I did the math, turns out that I spend close to $ 500 a year on latte’s! That’s just stupid and I feel retarded for spending money like that… on a coffee drink.

Second, I don’t like drinking soy milk, but it’s what 99% of coffee shops offer for their milk alternative. So I am going to back away and detox my body of it.

Third, a soy latte has around 140 calories. Of course I am eating food on top of it, so that’s about 300 extra calories from my coffee alone per week. I would rather just eat an extra handful or two of nuts!

And fourth, it’s getting too close to the holiday season. The average woman will gain a few pounds, around 5, so why not start to make some healthier habits now so that we might just be able to avoid the holiday bulge?

So there you have it… are you still with me?

If you haven’t already announced your give-up (see them all here), then state it below! Scream it below! Let’s get through these 31 days together and see how freaking awesome we feel at the end of it!

  • What will you give up starting TODAY for just this month!? 

*Just to clarify things… I am NOT giving up coffee. I can justify spending $ 2 for a coffee that only has about 1 tbsp of milk in it compared to a latte. No sugars added, just coffee. I am a believer that coffee in general is great for you!

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