11 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

New Vending Machines to List Calorie Counts

By admin

The soda industry thinks it’s helping us—we think otherwise.

Next year, Coke, Pepsi and Dr Pepper vending machines will display calorie counts on the buttons people press to select a drink and additional stickers might suggest a low- or zero-calorie drink. (For the record, 20-ounce bottles of popular sodas contain 240-290 calories.) The vending machines will launch next year in Chicago and San Antonio municipal buildings before appearing nationally.

The decision to post this information follows the Supreme Court’s decision this summer to uphold the Affordable Care Act, which includes a regulation that would require vending operators with more than 20 machines and restaurants with more than 20 locations to post calorie information as early as next year. (McDonald’s has also elected to start posting calorie counts early.)

The American Beverage Association told the Associated Press that the newly labeled machines will increase the availability of lower-calorie drinks. And Coke, Pepsi, and Dr Pepper are said to be focusing on developing even more diet drinks. More drinks with fewer calories—sounds great, right? Not so fast.

Just because diet soda is low in calories doesn’t mean it’s a healthier option. As the folks at Eat This, Not That explain, diet soda may have only 5 or fewer calories per serving, but research suggests that drinking sugary-tasting beverages—even if they’re artificially sweetened—could lead to an overall preference for sweetness. That means you could start craving sweeter, more caloric cereal, bread, dessert—everything.

The scary consequences: Researchers at the University of Texas found that people who consume three diet sodas per week were more than 40 percent more likely to be obese. Separate research revealed that people with a daily diet soda habit have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

If you’re trying to quench your thirst, opt for water or seltzer at the vending machine and, if you like, flavor it with lemon, cucumber, and fresh herbs. If it’s the caffeine boost you’re looking for, switch to unsweetened tea or coffee. Both are packed with antioxidants and have known health benefits, from boosting your memory and metabolism to helping protect you against dementia and Alzheimer’s. We’ll drink to that.

Additional reporting by the staff of Eat This, Not That

photo: Mitch Mandel

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