23 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Go Matcha Go {Giveaway}: My Favorite Cold Weather Energizer

By admin

Now that the mornings are pretty chilly, I need something to warm my insides to have some sort of pep in my step before heading out to teach boot camps.

Insert Matcha!

matcha go

This isn’t the first time I have mentioned Matcha here on Lifting Revolution (and likely not the last). Matcha and I go way back. It just so happens to be one of my favorite hot beverages and is what I prefer to grab when I need a mid day pick me up.

Heck, I even made a video about it some time back.

Seriously, I love this stuff.

What is Matcha? 

Matcha is basically high grade green tea leaves (Gyokuro) stone ground into a powder. We all know that green tea is great for us, but when you seep it you’re only going to get the benefits that come out into your hot water, right? But what about if you actually ingest the leaves?

Then you know you’re getting all the benefits that green tea has to offer.

To be honest, I love hot tea but I am very picky. I prefer more creamy drinks like coffee (you know my latte addiction). And that’s what got me into drinking Matcha.

I wanted to like green tea more. About a year ago, I heard of this stuff and decided to give it a go.

It’s creamy, vibrant and full of flavor. To be honest Matcha has a subtle sweetness that I haven’t tasted in “normal” green tea.

When Go Matcha Go contacted me a few weeks ago asking if I would like to give their brand a try, I jumped at the opportunity. BUT only if they would allow me to share with my friends (you)… but I’ll get there in a second.
They said yes, and I was stoked when my bags of green powder arrived. They had several different flavors ranging from traditional Matcha to Chocolate Matcha! I have to say my favorite was the Gingko Biloba and Gineng (perhaps because it made me feel like I might get smarter just from drinking it?).

I have heard and read the benefits of Matcha over and over again, but of course I picked up their pamphlet and give it a good read through.

Health benefits include: 

  • Energy stimulation (slow released caffeine)
  • Weight loss (increased metabolism)
  • Mood enhancement (when drinking such a vibrant green drink, how can you not become a bit brighter?)
  • Improved sexual performance (this is a new one to me)
  • Anti-aging
  • Body detox
  • Cancer fighting
  • Diabetes fighting (helps control blood sugar and insulin)
  • High blood pressure fighting

Usages of Matcha: 

  • Drinks (duh) hot and cold. I like to put a 1/2 tsp in my shakes.
  • Foods. If you see green tea ice cream, cakes, etc, Matcha was used
  • Bath & Body. Apparently you can make facemasks, scrubs, lotions and soaps.
I have baked with Matcha a few times now, have you seen my green tea cake?
Check out the recipe~ it was really yum!

Matcha Fun Facts:

  •  It’s the ceremonial tea of Buddhist Monks.
  • One cup of Matcha is equal to drinking 20 cups of standard tea.
  • I have 4 free Go Matcha Go teas to give away!
matcha go giveaway

Matcha Giveaway & Discount

Yup, I just said that! I love Matcha (clearly) but I won’t lie, it can be expensive because it is so rare. So having the ability to do a giveaway of Go Matcha Go… I feel like Santa Clause!

The giveaway will run until Thursday, October 25th 12pm.

  • To enter just leave a comment below telling me your favorite cold weather beverage!
  • To get another entry “like” both the Go Matcha Go Facebook Page & Lifting Revolution’s (just leave a comment below telling me you did that)
  • To get a 3rd entry, retweet this giveaway (right on the left hand side)!

Along with the giveaway Go Matcha Go is also offering 25% off for all Lifting Revolution readers! This is so awesome and yes, I am taking advantage of it, lol. Just use the code “LiftingRevolution” at checkout over on their website, Go Matcha Go!

  • Have you had Matcha before? 

I was not compensated for this post. I received samples for review and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

The post Go Matcha Go {Giveaway}: My Favorite Cold Weather Energizer appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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