30 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The 10 Best Get-It-On Songs

By admin

The right tunes can motivate you during a sweat-session. Turns out, music can also get you pumped for another type of workout—the kind you have between the sheets. According to a new survey commissioned and released by music streaming service Spotify, music is pretty much a must-have during sex. In fact, over 40% of the 2,000 men and women (between the ages of 18 and 91) interviewed said that the tunes played during sex were a bigger turn-on than being physically touched by their partners.

More sexy tunage stats: As for the most arousing music to play while getting it on, both guys and girls voted on any songs from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack. And one in three participants could pick a song that they think is better than sex. (“Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen was the winner in this category, with “Sex on Fire” by Kings of Leon coming in second.)

“From neuro-scientific research we know that music can activate the same pleasure centers of the brain that also respond to much less abstract rewards such as food, drugs, or indeed sex,” says study author Daniel Müllensiefen, Ma PhD, of Goldsmiths, University of London in a press release.

With that in mind, we turned to Women’s Health Facebook users to see what artists and songs light their fires. And while “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life” didn’t make the cut on this list, these numbers are guaranteed to put you in the get-it-on mood. The next time you want to hit the high notes, fire up a playlist with these 10 sexy tunes:

Does your iPod need some sprucing up? Click here to see the top-notch tunes that’ll liven up ANY of your playlists.

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