02 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Zombie Apocalypse Spooktacular Workout Recap

By admin

Happy Friday! With Halloween on Wednesday, this week has just flown by. Hopefully you’ve recovered from the chocolate and candy overload.

We had a fabulous Halloween and I have been really pumped to share it. Nike was even stoked, you know being a black cat and all, she felt it was all about her.

black cat halloween

I love all holidays and I use them as an excuse to make cheesy fun boot camp workouts. Sometimes I really think I should have been a kindergarten teacher, until I realize my patience is better suited for adults.

Each year I come up with fun themes and put together cheesy decor to really get us in the mood. This year was no different and the workout was entitled:

The Zombie Apocalypse Spooktacular Boot Camp Training

Basically we were preparing our bodies and minds for when the zombies hit Charleston. Let’s face it, you have to be fast (and by fast, I just mean faster than the person beside you), agile, strong (you will likely be trying to climb up on roofs) and quick on those toes (get down low to crawl into tight, safe places).

So that’s what we did… conditioned our bodies for the “Zombie Apocalypse

Here’s a picture recap of the night! Can you tell it was a blast?

First, Dan and I got to our boot camp location (on Daniel Island, SC) a bit early for some setting up:

Yes, that’s the ugliest pumpkin ever! Spiderwebs, ghost and jack-o-laterns are all a must!

When the girls walked up, I was there to greet them!

“Hi, I’m Natasha And I’ll Be Your Zombie Boot Camp Trainer For The Evening!”

As cool as the blue hair looked, it wasn’t long before it was on the ground. Adios Natasha…

Since Dan was with me (normally we’re teaching at different classes) I decided to join in on the festive workout and let him lead the training. Sometimes it’s just so much fun to workout with the ladies! We push each other to our limits.

We had 7 stations set up, where we spent 70 seconds/station.

Here’s a few of our spooktacular spectacular exercises:

Notice the shoes, shorts and my finger nails went with my wig. Oh yea… Natasha was smokin’

The idea was to keep the pumpkin above your head the whole time! It looked small but that little “pink pumpkin” weighed in at more than 12 pounds! 

Other exercises we did not pictured (Dan was busy training)… spiderweb crawls (army crawl under spider webs), pumpkin patch jumps (jumping from pumpkin to pumpkin), Ghostly drop and rolls, scared stiff (plank hold) and we ended with sprint work.

We started working out at around dusk and by time we were done it was full out darkness. It was so much fun, and I had several mini orange luminary lights around to “set the mood”.

I love themed workouts and can’t wait for the “Gobble Gobble Say No To Wobble” Workout later this month!

That concluded our Halloween. Dan and I did stop by the store on the way home and picked up a red wine to enjoy with dinner. “Pinot Evil” to go with the day!

Now I am off to do my “domestic chores” of grocery shopping and scrubbing the house. Have a great Friday!

  • What chore do you HATE the most? Don’t Mind? 
  • Do you go all out for holidays?

I HATE doing laundry, even just taking the clothes from the washer to the dryer annoys me. But I love cleaning my kitchen. I can wash dishes all day long. In fact, I prefer to hand wash over using the dishwasher, weird? 


The post Zombie Apocalypse Spooktacular Workout Recap appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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