06 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

The Drink That Boosts Your Stroke Risk

By admin

You already know that drinking sugary beverages is bad for your waistline. Now there’s evidence than it can lead to serious trouble in your head, too. Turns out drinking soda regularly can seriously increase your risk of stroke, according to a study from Japan.

Researchers tracked the soft drink consumption of 39,786 Japanese men and women over 18 years, and found that women who reported drinking about one sugary soda per day were 83 percent more likely to suffer an ischemic stroke than women who consumed soda infrequently or not at all. More troubling: Among women who reduced their soda intake during the first three to nine years of the study, their risk of stroke didn’t diminish. Meaning: Your soda habit can be deadly for years in the future, even if you quit cold turkey today.

Ischemic stroke occurs when clogged arteries prevent blood from getting to the brain. In high consumption, sugar can contribute to blood vessel damage and plaque build-up that narrows or completely blocks arteries. However, soda could pack a one-two punch: First with the sugar, and second with the caffeine, which can potentially lead to an increased risk of high blood pressure—another risk factor for stroke, says James Conners, M.D, stroke neurologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicaco.

More research is needed to determine the culprit of the study’s findings—particularly because researchers found that the association between sugary drink intake and stroke risk was insignificant among men. “We’d also need to look at the other habits of people drinking high-sugar soft drinks on a daily basis. People who don’t drink soft drinks might have better diets and exercise more frequently,” Connors says.  

According to the National Stroke Association, as many as 80 percent of strokes can be prevented by lifestyle changes. And if you already stay away from soda, you’re not off the hook. Moderate your intake of all sugary drinks to reduce your risk of stroke. Want to know what sugary drinks to avoid (or totally cut out of your life)? Check our chart, below:

Beverage (typical serving size)

Grams of sugar

Regular Coco-cola (12 oz)

39 g

Regular Sprite (12 oz)

39 g

Tropicana Orange juice (8 oz)

22.5 g

Mott’s Apple juice (8 oz)

28 g

Ocean Spray Cranberry juice (8 oz)

36 g

Chocolate milk (8 oz)

24 g

Minute Maid Lemonade (8 oz)

27 g

Monster Energy Drink (16 oz)

54 g

Vitamin Water Revive Fruit Punch

13 g

Red Bull (8.3 oz can)

27 g

Regular Snapple Peach Iced Tea (8 oz)

24 g

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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