08 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Would You Take “Female Viagra?”

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Put the aphrodisiacs aside. Soon, you may be able to sniff your way to a sexier mood. Australian researchers are currently recruiting women for a new clinical trial that will test a nasal spray intended to boost female sexual arousal.

The new drug, Tefina, marketed by Trimel Pharmaceuticals, consists of a testosterone gel that is absorbed into the body through the nose. The company refers to the medicine as a “use-as-required treatment for women experiencing Female Orgasmic Disorder” and would be administered 2-8 hours before a “planned sexual event” with the hopes of increasing the probability for an orgasm.

Testosterone—often referred to as the desire hormone—is one of the main driving forces in the sex drive of both genders, says Monnica T. Williams, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences at the University of Louisville. But although increasing testosterone levels may improve libido, it doesn’t necessarily affect a woman’s ability to orgasm, she says.

Moreover, anorgasmia (inability to orgasm) and low libido (desire to have sex) are two separate issues, Williams says. And what aids one may not necessarily solve the other. For instance, many women have a hard time reaching orgasm due to the effects of antidepressant medication, which isn’t a hormonal issue, says Williams. Thanks to the rewiring of the neural pathways, it can be harder to climax, even if your sex drive is high, she explains.

A low sex drive, on the other hand, can be the result of lots of different factors—not just low testosterone, Williams says. “If you don’t have the desire to have sex, whether or not you can orgasm won’t make a big difference,” she says.

Energy levels, for example, can seriously impact your mojo, says Patti Britton, PhD, MPH, author of The Art of Sex Coaching. “If someone has really low energy, it doesn’t matter how much testosterone they have in their body,” she says. And the list of libido-killers goes on. “You have to take into consideration your thought patterns, your emotional state, your physiology, and your mechanical skills,” says Britton.

With that in mind, if you’re suffering from low libido, there are other options to try before reaching for a sniff of T. And while they can’t guarantee you a big O, these natural libido boosters can help you better navigate the obstacles of sexual pleasure:

Work Up a Sweat
A good workout can be a wonderful libido booster, says Britton. Sure, it seems like you’ll be more tired post-kickboxing, but moving your body can help you loosen up, relieve tension, and boost blood flow—all things that can help you elevate desire, says Britton.

Swap Your BC Method
Hormones in your birth control pill essentially put the ovaries to sleep, freezing ovulation, which halts testosterone production. The pill also renders the other 50 percent of your testosterone useless, thanks to the super-potent artificial estrogen it contains. Opting for a non-hormonal baby blocker (like the copper-coil IUD Paraguard) can help improve the testosterone shortage.

Switch Into Airplane Mode
Our addiction to smart phones mixed with our attention-deficit culture can make it difficult to switch from work mode to relationship mode, says Britton. Taking a mini “E (electronics) fast” at least once a day and shutting down your devices can help you better manage switching off your analytical side and giving into your primal (not digital) urges.

Check Your Meds
Some prescription medications, like antidepressants, anti-anxiety and hypertension-treating drugs have been shown to contribute to a low libido. Even antihistamines can dry out the vagina, which can make sex uncomfortable. Talk to your doctor about alternative options that have fewer negative sexual side effects, recommends Britton.

Additional reporting by Women’s Health staff.

Image: Pixland/Thinkstock

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