17 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Can Soda Help You Lose Weight?

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If your goal is to lose weight, no one will tell you to drink more soda. But Pepsi Special, a new fiber-infused soda from Pepsi-Cola, has been marketed as being able to block fat and reduce hunger. And some nutritionists are calling foul.

The sugar-free beverage contains wheat dextrin, a starch fiber extracted from processed wheat. Fiber—the indigestible part of plants—has been shown to steady blood sugar and help you feel full for longer. Additionally, a 2006 study from the National Institute of Health and Nutrition in Tokyo found that rats that ate both dextrin and fat absorbed less fat than rats fed only fat.

However, added fiber doesn’t necessarily have the same weight-loss benefits as fiber you can get from whole foods, says Joanne Slavin, PhD., professor of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Minnesota. According to her research, eating or drinking items with added fiber doesn’t decrease hunger, food cravings, or consumption throughout the day. “Whole foods make people feel fuller than beverages of the same fiber content—even when fat, carbohydrate, and calorie content is the same,” she says.

Another point of concern: The downside of a mass-marketed fiber-infused soda outweighs any potential benefits. “Fortifying foods that aren’t nutritional can be dangerous,” Slavin says. “It leads people to think that unhealthy foods are good for them.”

And make no mistake: Sodas are not healthy, even when sugar-free and infused with fiber. Consumption of soft drinks has been linked to cancer, diabetes, kidney problems, and accelerated aging. And that’s not just the sugar-laden kind. According to a 2011 study from the University of Texas at San Antonio, people who drink two diet sodas a day have waist circumferences five times longer on average than those who abstain from the soda.

The good news is you don’t need to rely on fibrous sodas for your fiber fix. Try these whole foods, instead:

Whole Grains
Refined grains have been stripped down, so they don’t have as much fiber as whole. Wheat bran packs the most fiber (3.5 grams of fiber per serving) and is the best at halting hunger, Slavin says. Buy it whole to add to baked goods or sprinkle over soups, cereals or salads.

Beans and Legumes
A cup of black beans or lentils will score you more than half of your daily fiber needs. They’re also high in protein, which can further help keep hunger at bay.

Fruits and Veggies
While all fruits and vegetables are fiber-filled, cruciferous vegetables (think broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflowers) are your best bets when it comes to meeting your daily fiber goals. Just eat them raw (or minimally cooked) whenever possible, because heat can damage a plant’s fiber reserve and reduce its beneficial effects, Slavin says.

photo: Hemera/Thinkstock

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