28 November 2012 ~ 0 Comments

5 Things You Should Do If You Lose Your Job

By admin

Job loss is hard enough as it is. But new research now shows that it can actually be dangerous. Unemployment has been linked to an increased risk of heart attack, according to an article published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Researchers at Duke University conducted a large cohort study of 13,451 U.S. adults between ages 51 and 75 from 1992 to 2010. They looked at various factors associated with unemployment and the risk of acute myocardial infarction (AMI, or heart attack), and found that AMI risk was highest in the first year of job loss, and also increased with each subsequent job loss up to four thereafter.

There may be a few reasons for the jump in cardiac problems. “Heart attacks are often preventable, so barriers to good healthcare put you at higher risk of heart attack,” says interventional cardiologist Sara Collins, MD. “Unemployment status may be associated with loss of insurance, and therefore, worse access to healthcare.” This means a reduction in heart attack-prevention practices, like medication, doctor visits and screening exams. Collins also says those who can no longer afford child or elderly care during unemployment may be reluctant to leave home to see a doc, ignoring signs of an impending heart attack.

An additional factor may be your anxiety level while dealing with the shock and strain of newfound unemployment. “The chemicals associated with stress, like acetylcholine, have been associated with an increased risk of heart attacks,” Collins says.

Since risk is highest during the first year after job loss, it helps to get back on the horse as quickly as possible. Here’s what to if you’re let go:

Overhaul your resume. Give your CV a makeover. On the resume, list just your credentials using strong action verbs like “completed” and “directed.” And then ditch the mission statement. “You can totally misfire with that,” says Austin. “Use results where possible. They’re the measure of success. Then, really take a look at yourself. Are you a people person? Good with numbers? Tech smart? Make a list of all the things you’re good at.” Group your qualities into categories, and refer to these when drawing up a cover letter.

Network the right way. Don’t bother using a mass-mailing website to look for a job. Austin insists your resume will just go into “the black hole of cyberspace.” Tap existing relationships. “Talk to everyone you know, tell them the kinds of things you’d like to do, and ask if they know someone who knows someone,” Austin says. “Don’t ask for referrals, just ask for people you can talk to. Ask senior people if they know anyone you can talk to about a job. It’s the best way to get on the radar, especially in this work environment.”

Be persistent. You may send out 10 or 20 resumes and only get one phone call back. Stay upbeat. “You cannot let anyone see you beaten down,” says Austin. “If you go on an interview, check in. Call. Send a handwritten note. Ask, ‘Is there anything else you need? I haven’t heard back from you.’ Don’t be annoying, but be of service.” Never let the silence or a no stop you. Move on to the next.

Keep your workout routine. Staying fit and looking after yourself will help you stay in shape both mentally and physically—which will help with your overall outlook. “You need to take a positive approach,” says Leslie Austin, Ph.D., an executive coach and corporate consultant based in New York City. “Being positive is a discipline. It will get you your next job. It will help manage your stress while looking. In a good economy, employers need workers. In a bad economy, they need good workers.” Like you. So, keep in tip-top shape. Exercise, eat well, take care of yourself and steer clear of pity parties.

Stay busy. Black clouds creep in when you stay in and crack open a bag of Oreos. Get up. Get moving. “Go volunteer,” says Austin. “It is very good for morale to help others. Plus, you never know how you will meet someone.” Potential career connections can hide anywhere – except at home in front of the TV.

photo: Brand X Pictures/Thinkstock

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