06 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Thursday: Top Ten Gifts For The Healthy Eater

By admin

Thursday already? That means my in-laws are coming which also means, I have to high tail it around to get this place spotless.

The other day Dan asked if I still felt the need to impress his parents even after all these years. Without hesitation I said of course! I think that I’ll always feel the need to impress them, after all I am the wife and the house, the food and our daily habits are a reflection of me (whether I like it or not).

Do you feel pressured to impress your in-laws?

While they aren’t staying with us, they are coming over for a nice holiday dinner. So of course I want our place to look perfect.

I’ll fill you in on what I end up making… right now it is still the question of the day! So we’ll leave it at that and move on to Top 10 Thursday!

If you missed last week’s top 10 on Top Ten Gifts For A Fitness Finatic, check it out.

This week we’re moving on to my second favorite thing…

Top Ten Gifts For The Healthy Eater

Should Santa find this list, I will be happy with anything on it! I’ve had my eye on all these treats for some time now.

Exotic Nut Butter: Vanilla Espresso Almond Butter

How amazing does this sound? I found the Wild Squirrel website quite some time ago while looking for a particular butter but immediately fell in love with this one. I even went to order it for myself but I have a hard time paying more for shipping than the actual product so I left my shopping cart.

Sad day. This would make an awesome stocking stuffer! I did sign up for their newsletter though, and apparently if you use the code “HOLIDAYS” you can receive 20% off your order if you spend $ 40.

They have flavors ranging from this to coconut peanut butter. Yes and yes!

Pancake Griddle

I LOVE my weekend pancakes! But Dan and I fight over who gets the better skillet when we are making breakfast. Because we eat different things, we are each in the kitchen preparing our meals. I figure that this would help to relieve Sunday morning breakfast stress… we can stay out of each other’s way and he can enjoy his skillet and I will enjoy my perfect pancake!

I love this Wolfgang Puck griddle because it has the grill on one side and the flat pancake on the other. It’s around $ 78 on Amazon.

Mini Food Processor

I love my food processor, but it’s the big one and sometimes I Just want it to make salad dressings and such. It’s a pain in the butt to dirty up the big one for such a small task.

I’ve had my eye on this baby for a while, just waiting for it to go on sale (which it is now at Kohls). It’s perfect for whipping together dressings, sauces, chopping small veggies like garlic, olives and onions… and takes up a LOT less space than the mammoth I have on the counter currently. It’s about $ 40.00 at Kohls right now.

Food Dehydrator

I had the option to get one a few years back and thought it would just end up under my counter, never used. But now I regret that decision. Sure, it might not get used weekly, but when the urge comes to enjoy apple chips or dried apricots it would be great to make my own.

This is great for people looking to make snacks that they can pack for on the go: dried berries, fruit, even veggies (ever had veggie chips from WholeFoods?).

This particular one I found at Kohls for $ 109, but the prices range from $ 50 on up. This is the Presto Dehydro Digital Dehydrator… pretty fancy shmancy looking!

CSA Membership

Our farmer’s market closes next weekend… sad times. I don’t know what we’ll do for our veggies. Our favorite farms offer winter CSA’s which is what we were thinking but they aren’t cheap and you have to pay for them all up front. Not to mention that because Dan isn’t a squash and beet kind of guy, we would opt for the “pick your own” package where we can pick out what we want each week… of course that adds to the price.

This is a great option for veggie lovers and something that they will definitely appreciate.

Coconut Butter

Yup, another butter! Coconut has been all the rage for bloggers and yet I just can’t justify spending over $ 10 for a jar… but I’ll gladly accept it as a gift from someone else! The benefits of coconut and the flavors had me sold on coconut butter a long time ago. Most health food stores carry it, check out WholeFoods before searching online to avoid shipping costs.

The Artisana brand is organic and I have had a few other butters from them in the past, so I feel comfortable trying their brand.

Ceramic Measuring Spoons

I have a plastic set that works great for measuring liquid but I loved my ceramic measuring spoon set so much that I almost cried when they shattered on the tile floor about a month ago.

It was a sad day in the Boyle kitchen. The plastic ones work great but having high quality kitchen gear is really fabulous and makes me feel more legit. This particular set I found at the Red Envelop and cost $ 39. A bit much yes, but you can find spoons like this even at your local Target.

Espresso Machine

espresso maker

Are you shocked? I am the latte addict here and think of how much money I would safe by making my own at home. Nothing fancy… just a simple stovetop espresso machine for just fine. This is the type Giada uses, so I am going to assume it works well. Of course you will have to follow up this gift with a small milk foamer too… but those are cheap.

This guy goes for $ 45.00 at Kohls (can you tell, I like Kohls?) and is the Bialetti Moka Express Expresso Maker.

These puppies range in price way too much! This one is just right at:

Making it a perfect gift for the coffee fanatic in your life.

Snack Raw Bars

bearded brothers

I like to make my own bars, but come on, I can’t do it all the time. I first had a Bearded Brother’s Bar close to a year ago and fell in love with them and their company. Family owned and operated (like me). The bars are vegan, raw and all natural. Simple ingredients but delicious flavor.

Great for on the go fitness lovers, needing to pack a quick snack while moving from place to place.

Wedding China.

vera wang china

When we first got married, I wasn’t going to register for fine china. I changed my mind after I thought about how much I love to entertain and at the idea of one day hosting holidays at our home. Unfortunately, we only received 3 sets and I would love to have at least 6 total.

Just adding one a year would be smart, but I always forget about it. If you have a newly married couple around this is a great idea. Ask them if they received their china and if not, pick up a setting.

If you’re interested, that is my pattern! It’s the Vera Wang Lace Bouquet.

And there you have it!

My kitchen wish-list. I think I was able to put it together far too easily.

What do you want for Christmas?

Do you have any suggestions for brands? 

*I am not affiliated with any of the companies or products. These are really things I want.

The post Top 10 Thursday: Top Ten Gifts For The Healthy Eater appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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