10 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

3 Day Juice Cleanse Recap: Would I Do It Again {Vlog}

By admin

Happy Monday! I hope you had a well rested weekend and ready for the week ahead.

We have a fabulous weekend filled with family (my in-laws came to visit from Phili), holiday cheer, and juice.

Saturday was the last of my juice cleanse and you know what? Surprisingly, It went great.

So great, I felt the need to change up what I had intended to do for the LR Show and focus on the juice cleanse and on my new fitness challenge!

3 Day Juice Cleanse Recap & December Fit Challenge

Incase you missed my previous write-ups on the cleanse you can read them here:

Why I’m Doing A Cleanse? 

Day 1: Drink Overview 

And today will end be the final review… so if you’re totally not into the whole juicing thing, we’ll resume normal activity tomorrow. :)

I wasn’t nervous about doing the cleanse until a friend of mine told me to be prepared to spend the next 3 days in the bathroom. And because of the liquid diet, she told me it wasn’t going to be fun.

Oh great… that was my reaction. Since we had family coming into down I was a bit worried it would interfere with family quality time.

Thank goodness, she was wrong. No bathroom issues to speak up.

But incase you’re wondering… was I “cleaned” out?

Yes… and let’s just leave it at that.

Other benefits of the cleanse: 

angel oak charleston sc

I turned into Super Woman… woman of steel!

  • Weight loss (I’ll check on that first thing in the morning)
  • Glow (Dan mentioned this morning how gorgeous I looked so perhaps I had an extra “glow” about me?)
  • Reverse Aging
  • Boost Immunity (I could tell I was starting to get a cold the other day, so far no cold has hit full on)
  • Detox (I guess I’ll never know)
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Support Digestion (yup… in a good way)
  • Improve circulation (I did have a KILLER workout today, perhaps thanks to the cleanse?)
  • Energize (got that)
  • Improve memory (sure, sounds good)
  • Increase virility (??)

Who’s An Urban Remedy Cleanse For?

Per Urban Remedy’s site… their cleanses are for:

Health-Savvy: with 100% organic ingredients, our meals are ideal for folks who want to eat right but may not have ready access to premium super foods.”

Weight-Conscious: foodies who want to lose weight without losing vital nutrients love our all natural cleanses and the health benefits they provide.”

Professionals: Too busy for the shopping, juicing and cleaning? Working men and women love the convenience of getting our high nutrient diets delivered to their home or workplace.”

Ailing: our carefully thought-out and tested elixirs unlock the healing power of vegetables and fruits and are great for the circulatory, digestive and nervous system.”

Will I Do Another Juice Cleanse? 

I probably won’t do another cleanse where I aim to just drink juice for days at a time… even though I was really surprised at how I felt living off liquids (with the exception of an apple tossed in there and a raw granola bar on Day 2).  However, I do think that juices are a great benefit in getting high nutrient foods into a diet and I am all for adding them into an already balanced and clean diet.

In fact, check out what I go this weekend for Christmas from my In-laws!

vitamix box professional

Can you tell, I am just the happiest little vegan foodie around? I made my first lunch time shake yesterday and holy cow is blew my mind it was so tasty and smooth. This thing puts our Ninja (the previous blender) to shame. Adios Ninja, Hola Vitamix!

professional vitamin

If you’re interested in juice cleanses or just juicing in general, check out Urban Remedy. I had a great experience with them and they were so helpful and available to answer any questions I had.

Self Fitness Challenge

So I’m doing a pistol squat AND finishing off my burpee challenge… what will be your daily fitness challenge?

Right now simply say…

“Self, I challenge you to do…………..”

So what’s it going to be?

  • Have you ever done a juice cleanse? 
  • What’s your favorite smoothie recipe I should try? 
  • What will be your fitness self challenge?

*I did not receive compensation from Urban Remedy. I received the product for review and these are my honest thoughts. 

The post 3 Day Juice Cleanse Recap: Would I Do It Again {Vlog} appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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