20 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top 10 Thursday: Top Ten Best Christmas Movies

By admin

Happy Thursday! I hope that the week is going smoothly and things are slowing down as the holiday weekend draws near.

I am proud to say, I only have 1 more gift to buy. But I am sad to say, I have no idea what to buy for it. If you have a suggestion as to what to get my 80 year old grandmama, please do!

Christmas is definitely in the air here in the Boyle house. Dan tried to get me to open a present last night (I said No). There is just something exciting about waking up on Christmas morning to unwrap gifts and I love surprises!

He would open all of them up right now if I let him! Maybe it’s a guy thing?

Because I can’t get Christmas off my brain, I sat thinking about my favorite Christmas movies the other night. I am going to make an effort to watch one holiday movie each night from now until the 25th.

Then, I decided that would make the perfect Top 10 Thursday! My Top Ten Favorite Christmas Movies.

Enjoy! And if you haven’t seen any of these, please make an effort to watch at least one between now and Tuesday? And also share your favorite Christmas movie below!

Top 10 Favorite Holiday Movies

10. It’s A Wonderful Life. 

I am pretty sure I remember watching this movie with my mom when I was all of 5 years old. And every time I hear a bell ring all I can think of is that an angel got it’s wings. What a great classic to truly help you see just how great your life is, even when you don’t think so.

9. A Charlie Brown Christmas. 

What Christmas is complete without Charlie Brown and the gang? It brings a smile to my face just thinking about that poor, sad “tree” and the group singing Oh Christmas Tree at the end.

We had a “Charlie Brown Tree” last year in our dining room, but Nike liked to climb it and we had to toss it out (it was a fake).

8. How The Grinch Stole Christmas. 

The cartoon, not Jim Carey’s version (which was good too). But the cartoon brings me back to my childhood, and I always wanted to put antlers on my dog as a kid because of it.

7. Home Alone. 

Any kid born in the 80s has to love this movie! From the killer holiday sound track to wanting to be like Kevin, this movie rocked. Not to mention… come on, how many one-liners are still heard today?

“Keep the change, ya filthy animal.”

“Look what you did, you little jerk.”

And though it’s not a quote, we all have repeated the aftershave scene in our lifetime!

6. A Christmas Carol (starring George C Scott).

I LOVE A Christmas Carol. I read the book every year from age 10-21! Every Christmas I would curl up in bed at my parents house and read it front to back. When I was around 22, my parents found this classic on DVD and it is amazing!
The best version by far. George C Scott plays Scrooge to a “T” and because it’s so good, i don’t feel the need to read it.

My mom and I watched it on Thanksgiving this year to kick off the season.

5. Polar Express. 

This movie came out when I was an adult, but so what. It’s awesome. The graphics are amazing, the songs get me dancing and it’s become a classic for kids and adults already.

I can’t wait for little kids so that Dan and I can take them on the Polar Express Train that runs in North Carolina during the holidays.

Of course you have to have  cup of hot chocolate when watching it.

4. Miracle On 34th Street. 

This is another movie that I have watched since I was a little girl. Susan (the little girl) is a bit annoying to me now that I am an adult, but the overall story still brings back holiday memories with me and my mom.

Of course after watching it, I would always ask for something huge from Santa too… what he doesn’t really give you houses? Bummer.

3. Elf. 

I don’t think I really have to elaborate on this one too much. It’s hilarious and has perhaps more one-liners than Home Alone!

Buddy cracks me up and with both share a crazy love for Sugar… “Sugar’s my favorite!”. And angry elves would make me nervous too.

Elf brings out the kid in all of us. It’s okay to sing “Loud and clear for all to hear” and it’s okay to spread some Christmas joy to strangers around you.

2. Love Actually. 

I know, I have mentioned this movie several times on LR before (here and here) because it really is just that good. The cast is amazing, there is just the right combination of comedy, holiday cheer, and love to make for the best movie ever.

So then, why is it my #2? Because, even though it’s my Thanksgiving tradition movie, when it came down to arranging the order, it just couldn’t beat out my #1…

1. White Christmas. 

This movie holds so many memories for me. My mom and I used to cuddle up together in her big bed to watch Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, Danny Kaye, and Vera-Ellen dance and sing for the entire movie.

When I was dreaming of my wedding, I always wanted a dress like the ones they wore at the end (except in white of course) and to be married during December with Christmas trees and poinsettias decorating the aisle and bouquets.

I fell in love with Bing Crosby and I can remember playing the White Christmas record (yes, record) over and over again.

I wanted to dance with them, visit Vermont and ride on a train. Just thinking about this movie, has emotions swelling up inside! It’s that wonderful to me.

And because of those feelings, it can’t settle for anything less than #1.

SO there you have it! My Top 10 Favorite Christmas Movies.

What is your favorite holiday movie? 

Do you ever open presents up before Christmas?

Image sources: 

  • http://bingcrosby.com/bing/from-the-mitchell-boys-choir-to-the-lettermen/white-christmas-finale
  • http://www.lafayettedowntown.org/Events/EventsDisplay.asp?p1=8482
  • http://drafthouse.com/movies/the_polar_express/san_antonio
  • http://basementrejects.com/review/home-alone-1990/
  • http://collider.com/peanuts-holiday-collection-blu-ray-review/63423/a-charlie-brown-christmas-image-1/

The post Top 10 Thursday: Top Ten Best Christmas Movies appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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