27 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Top Ten Thursday: Top 10 Memories Of 2012

By admin

Happy Thursday! I can’t believe how quickly this week is passing. Whenever there is a big event that falls in the middle of the week, it throws me off. Anyone else?

While Christmas has unfortunately come and gone, we still have a few very exciting activities to look forward to between now and January 1st: Dan’s birthday (tomorrow) and of course New Years Eve.

Dan and I are already planning out our goals for 2013 and I thought it would be fun to take a look back over the past 12 months. Today’s Top 10 is all about what we have accomplished and the memories that will go on beyond the close of the year.

Please feel free to share a few of your favorite memories from the year!

These are in no particular order.


Top 10 Memories/Accomplishments Of 2012

I became vegan. 

vegan cuisine

The last week of Febuary, I decided to try being vegan for 3 months. Almost 10 months later and that “trial” has become a lifestyle. I love the way I feel, my fitness performance has improved, and overall I am very glad I made this decision. It doesn’t hurt that I have a supportive husband that doesn’t mind eating beans and veggies for dinner every night.

Ran a half marathon. 

half marathon

Yup, after a successful 10K race, I decided what the heck. 2012 was a year for really finding a passion for running and I really did just “run with it”. The half marathon went so well, that I am already registered to do another one in 3 weeks.

Became a tv star. 

charleston boot camp news

Okay, not really. Not even close, but my boot camp was featured on the local news 4 for a segment on fitness and Thanksgiving eating tips. It was so excited and will hopefully lead to many more local news (and eventually national) spotlights helping as many women as I can. You can check out the footage here.

Launched Fit Womens Weekly. 

During the spring Dan and I made the decision to change the path of our online training (at that time The Art of Weight Lifting). We had both grown in our training and ideas since starting that site and decided that the best choice was to simply relaunch a new site. Fit Women’s Weekly launched at the start of the summer and has been a lot of fun!

Competed with my husband. 

Dan has always supported my fitness competitions, from Strong Women to road races he has been by my side. But this was the first year, he participated WITH me. First was the 5K Soar Race, then the US Marine Corp Mud Run and finally the Reindeer Run 5K. I love that we both share this passion for fitness and life. It meant so much to have him not only pushing me to do my best, but to see him pushing himself.

Published in Shape. 

shape magazine taylor ryan

Just two weeks ago, I was quoted on Shape.com for helping them come up with some interval workout ideas. Dan and I worked together to make this happen and it was a dream come true. It was the first step towards becoming a writer (fingers crossed) for such an amazing and inspiring magazine.

iPhone App available. 

This was a really big deal for us, especially my techie husband. Dan designed an app for our boot camp and it went live during the fall! It’s available for both iphones and androids, and such a great way to stay in touch with boot campers and local fitness peeps.

PR Time.

I have run over a dozen 5K races, but over the years they have all be around the same time. Falling between the 24.5-26.5 time. This year, I PR’d and while my goal was to run it in under 24 minutes, I ended up crossing the finish with a time of 23.03… it felt amazing! For the first time, I felt like a runner. It didn’t hurt that it was at my favorite race either.

Kitchen up. 

My kitchen is my second place for stress relieve (the gym being the first). This year I added my final appliance to our counters AND I got my 1st copper pot! You’ve herad about the Vitamix, so I won’t go on about that… but the copper pot was a huge surprise that I unwrapped on Christmas morning. My dream kitchen will have all copper pots so my mom decided to start my collection off this year. Because they aren’t cheap, at all, I will most likely be adding one to the kitchen each year. A silly memory? Not for a foodie!

Healthy friends and family. 


Not necessarily a memory, but something I can’t leave off of such a list. I had a great year with my friends and family and so many wonderful memories were made. We are so grateful to have such a positive group of amazing people around us. Thanks for making 2012 rock.

And yes, of course, all the LR readers and Fit Women Weekly ladies are in that group. So truly, from the bottom of my heart… Thank you!

I am planning BIG goals for 2013, if you have any suggestions for what you would like to see here or ideas for future Youtube videos, please share them! I love love love hearing from you.

Happy Thursday. Off to start planning my hubby’s birthday surprise!

The post Top Ten Thursday: Top 10 Memories Of 2012 appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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