31 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

How To Set Yourself Up For A Wealthy 2013 {Vlog}

By admin

Happy New Years Eve! 

I can’t believe how quickly 2012 has come and gone. I know they say that as you get older, time goes by faster. I think I might agree?

To bring in 2013, let’s talk money, luck and a year of abundance!

This week’s Lifting Revolution’s Fitness & Nutrition Show:

  • The perks of New Years dinners
  • What foods to eat for luck, money and a killer figure
  • How to get back into working out after taking hiatus.

So let’s get started so you can make tons of moola starting tomorrow!

Best New Year Food Traditions

2013 foods for luck

Lentils = Coins

A penny here, a nickel there and before you know it you’ll be glad for eating a bowl of lentil soup!

Lentil Benefits (1/2 cup)

  • >1 g of fat
  • 8 g fiber
  • 90% daily amount of folate
  • 115 calories
  • Great source of magnesium

Collard greens = cash! 

Drizzle some vinegar over them and they are delicious!

Collard Green Benefits

  • 30 calories/100 g
  • High in fiber, antioxidants, and folate
  • Great source of Vitamin C, Vitamin A and especially Vitamin K
  • Rich in iron, Calcium, Zinc

Black eyed peas = luck

Bring on the luck! Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner

Black Eyed Peas Benefits (1/2 cup)

  • 6.7 g of protein
  • 5.6 g fiber
  • 0.46 g fat
  • 99 calories
  • Great source of potassium and folate

Other Healthy New Year Foods: 

  1. Grapes (eat 12 at midnight for 12 good months. If a grape is bitter, beware of that particular month.)
  2. Fish. Represents wealth and abundance in happiness.
  3. Rice & Grains. Abundance
  4. Figs. Fertility

What do you eat on New Years? 

Getting Back Into Fitness

Perhaps you’ve taken some time off from the gym? Just don’t expect to walk in and feel right at home. Listen to your body and slowly acclumate back into the workout scene.

Too much too soon can lead to burn out and injuries.

Don’t be afraid to ask for a tour to get aquainted with the gym and what it has to offer. And always, set up a workout plan! Which days, how long and what workouts to you plan to do!?

And like I mentioned, if you’re getting back into exercise and need some help getting started then check out Torched In 20. Burn fat, lose inches and safely go from beginner to intermediate fitness lover!



What will you be doing to celebrate? 


We have never done anything for New Years. Dan and I both worry about cops and crazy drivers on the road. So we choose to pop open champagne and have a great dinner at home every year. We normally bring out the board games, talk about our goals for the upcoming year and watch the ball drop.

Then I get to bed!

The post How To Set Yourself Up For A Wealthy 2013 {Vlog} appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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