11 January 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Danger of Leaving Your Phone on Vibrate

By admin

If you’re working at your desk and a text comes in, you probably assume a quick glance at your phone is no big deal — but that mere few-second distraction is more destructive than you’d think. Even short interruptions, like shifting eyes from a computer screen to a vibrating cell, can jeopardize your ability to accurately complete your work, according to new research from Michigan State University.

In the study, researchers asked 300 participants to complete tasks in a distinct order, like indicating with a specific keystroke whether a letter falls closer to the beginning or end of the alphabet. Researchers saw a small error rate with zero distractions. However, every so often they would interrupt participants and tell them to type out two letters — taking just 2.8 seconds of their time. After they did this, a person was twice as likely to make an error when returning to the original task.

“When you’re deep in thought, just a 2.8-second disruption is enough to throw you off course,” says lead researcher Erik Altman, PhD, associate professor of psychology at Michigan State University. “We kept shortening the length of the distraction, and the significant error rate was still there. I’m not sure people realize the extent to which it takes you out of the moment.”

Whether you’re a doctor and your phone goes off while examining a patient, or you work on the computer all day and constantly hear the ping of incoming emails, you can’t afford to be distracted and lose the ability to effectively do your job. Avoid succumbing to interruptions by following these tips:

Eliminate Impulses
Silence the noise as much as possible during your workday, and create a distraction-free space. Not only should you shut your smartphone off, you should also remove it from your line of vision. “We’re guided by our environments,” says Altman. “If your phone is even on the table and you’re looking at it, it introduces a distraction. Reduce the impulse and put it away.” Only check your phone when you’re completely done with a task, during breaks or on your lunch hour.

Think About Others
How often do you pop into someone else’s office to see how her weekend was or ask she wants to grab lunch with you? You can be the source of distraction, as well — not just your smartphone. “We can definitely be more aware of the effect we have on someone else,” Altman says. “If we ask a co-worker a quick question, we don’t really realize the impact it will have. Evaluate the trade-offs of interrupting your colleagues.” If she looks busy, think: Can this wait? If it’s not urgent, catch up with her later.

Find an Emergency Method
In case of emergency, you have to be reachable, but even using different ringtones to signal which calls are important will break your train of thought. You still have to momentarily recognize and weigh the relative importance of the call. “Those decisions interrupt, so it’s important to cut off the stimulus if you can,” Altman says. Some apps like Call Filter sift through incoming pings for you, only sending through the important messages. You can also try asking family and close friends to dial your landline in case of emergency, instead of your cell. That way, you’ll know it’s essential to answer.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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