15 January 2013 ~ 0 Comments

PV Body Update & Disappointment

By admin

Hi ladies, I am writing this before hitting the hay so I will go ahead an apologize for spelling and grammer mistakes.

I didn’t want to put this off until tomorrow. Last week (and yesterday) I started talking about PV Body as a great way to get brand name fitness clothes. I was first introduced to them back in September at a conference and then re-introduced just a few weeks ago when they asked me if I would like to try their services.

It was great and I wanted to share my experience with you, so they offered my readers 20% off. Awesome right?

Well, I just received an email today that they are changing their ways. Instead of brand name clothing they will be shipping out THEIR new brand of clothing.

I feel used and very disappointed by this. Especially since I joined on right as changes were happening. I feel as if they should have told me since I have had several of you sign up to try them out. Now, you won’t be getting the LuluLemon or Nike or any big brand, you’ll receive Ellie. Who knows what to expect with it?

I don’t… I feel as if this was a secret move as if no one would notice.

I care though, as my readers mean the world to me. I only try to share the things that I 100% believe in and I no longer can say this about PV Body. I feel duped and I apologize for that.

So… if you have signed up for PV Body and aren’t so sure about trying their line then cancel. If you’re open to them then go for it. I however feel I was misled on the product and the path of the company.

And with that… I say good night. I will continue to share products that I love and stand behind but I will also try my best to do as much research as I can.

The post PV Body Update & Disappointment appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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