15 February 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Big News: I’m Becoming A NASM Weight Loss Specialist

By admin

Happy Friday! How was everyone’s Valentine’s Day?

Mine was great! Of course I made a love themed workout for my boot camps which made the workout so much fun!

Nothing like a “Cupids Lovely Couple’s Workout” to sweat out the chocolates.

I was totally feeling the love as soon as I woke up, so I was inspired to try making vegan red velvet pancakes. This was my picture from Instagram, I’ll be making a new batch this weekend so I can share the recipe!

vegan red velvet pancakes

The best I could do at 5:30 am- picture wise.

They turned out fabulously and it brought a smile to my face. Oh the power of food.

Speaking of food, when it comes to losing weight, of course food is the first thing we know we have to change, right? Sure,  it’s okay to splurge from time to time (in moderation) but overall to lose unwanted pounds: you have to eat less than you burn… makes sense?

Well, as easy as all that is… it can be a bit more complex. I see clients work their butts off with workouts and meal plans but see slow results. Why?

Because losing weight can be complicated. I know, sigh.

I’m Studying To Be A Weight Loss Specialist! 

So when NASM contacted me about a month ago and asked if I would like to do their Weight Loss Specialist Program, I jumped at the chance. I loved going through NASM to get my personal trainer certification so I was excited and honored that they would allow me to go through the WLS program.

nasm weight loss specialist

I mean seriously:

-Test out their new program?
-Learn a lot that I can use here and with my boot camps?

It was a no brainer!

I haven’t mentioned it yet because I wanted to get through some of the program and get a real feel for it.

As of yesterday, I am half way through and loving it! I am hoping that within the next 3 weeks I will have the new letters behind my name and look like: Kindal Boyle, C-PT WLS

Cool or what!

Let’s go over a bit of the course, at least what I can share as of right now.

What I Am Loving So Far

Study Choices.

I love that the program is designed for each person’s studying preference. There is the text of each chapter and the audio version as well. Personally, I do well reading the info and taking notes as I go. By the end of a chapter, I basically have it written out all over again in my own notebook, but that’s how I got through college and it works for me.

I know some people are audio learners so it’s nice to see it being offered.

How It Relates To Life.

NASM does a great job at bringing in real world examples, they use a lot of facts, figures, and studies to back up their information which is great because this is the kind of info that I love to share. Just the other night I looked up and asked Dan, “Hey, did you know…” It’s great to be able to spit out useful information that will actually help in real life training.

I have taken far too many courses that were interesting but at the end of it I knew I would never use any of the information given. This actually helps.

Go at your own pace.

Between LiftingRevolution, the boot camps, FitWomensWeekly, and life, there isn’t much time in my day to spend on other things. So it’s great that I can go at my own speed. Though, I am not one to linger and take my time on these types of things.

I am going a bit slower than I would personally prefer. It’s great for people/trainers that are on the go. No stress to meet a 1-3 month deadline! My course doesn’t expire for a whole year! Don’t worry, I won’t drag it out that long.

C-PT Review.

It’s been a while since I was certified as a personal trainer. Of course I have kept up with my continuing education credits to stay up to date on my certification, but it’s nice going through this material as it’s serving as a review for me on a lot of things I haven’t really thought about in over 5 years.

CEU’s: Let The Education Continue.


continuing education nasm

Continuing education units are necessary for a trainer to remain certified. Every 2 year we have to show NASM (or whatever you’re accredited through) that we’ve met their requirements. This certification (along with several others offered) delivers 1.9 units, which meets their requirements since the .1 is CPR. Sweet!

What I Am Not Loving

There isn’t much that I don’t like about the material and the course work. But if I had to choose a few things:

Textbook Reading.

I would say that the text can be pretty boring. There have been a few times when I’ve had to tell myself, keep reading, just finish. I want to just skip sections but then I am worried I might miss something. But then again, any time you’re reading a textbook, it’s not as if you’re bouncing with excitement, it’s just part of the journey to the end.

There are some gliches in the system.

There are a few typos and contradicting facts in the sections. I even took one of the end of the chapter practice test and was told I missed one, even though I am 100% certain it was the correct answer.

I have been taking notes of the errors I see and emailing them to NASM, I hope they don’t think I’m “that girl” just want to make sure it’s right for others and not confusing. That would stink to miss it on the big test because of an error in their teaching.


Overall, I am really excited to have been given this experience! I can’t wait to finish up the course and be a stronger trainer and writer because of it.

If you’re interested in becoming a Weight Loss Specialist, you can find out more about it here.

*NASM provided me the course, however all thoughts and opinions are my own.

The post Big News: I’m Becoming A NASM Weight Loss Specialist appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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