02 March 2013 ~ 0 Comments

3 Myths About Tanning Beds

By admin

The harmful effects of indoor tanning are well documented. But many tanning salons still give customers inaccurate—and seriously dangerous—information, according to a recent survey conducted by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Some even go as far as to say there are zero risks associated with a bronzing habit.

For the survey, researchers called up 243 Missouri tanning salons, once in the morning and once in the evening. The researchers posed as potential customers and asked questions about the salons’ policies. The results were alarming, according to Lynn Cornelius, MD, a co-author of the study and chief of dermatology at the Washington University School of Medicine. “The risks were more than likely not being conveyed to the clients,” she says.

Women’s Health has previously reported on another study with similar findings, which just goes to show that this scary stuff is, unfortunately, par for the course. Here are some of the most common lies told by indoor tanning salons—along with the truth—so you’ll be armed with accurate information:

43 percent of salon operators say indoor tanning is risk-free
The World Health Organization classifies UV-emitting tanning devices as a Group 1 carcinogen—the same category that tobacco falls under. The beds can cause melanoma, non-melanoma skin cancer, and ocular melanoma, a cancer that develops in your eyes. “These are very dangerous devices,” Cornelius says.

56 percent allow customers to tan without eye protection
The FDA suggests completely avoiding tanning beds, but it calls indoor tanning without eye protection “especially dangerous.” UV rays can cause short- and long-term damage to both the outside and inside of the eye. And just like with your skin, the harm is cumulative. In addition to ocular melanoma, which usually develops in the cells of the uvea (the middle layer of tissue beneath the white of your eye), UV rays can cause cataracts and macular degeneration.

80 percent say tanning can prevent future sunburns
Seeing as how it’s the tail-end of winter, you’re probably pretty pale right now. But if you’re planning to head somewhere warm anytime soon, forget the idea that a tanning bed could be your ticket to burn-free vacation. “A typical ‘tan’ that people develop from either outside or from indoor tanning devices gives you a UV-protective factor—an SPF—of about a 2 or a 4, which is negligible,” Cornelius says. So much for that theory…

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

More from Women’s Health:
Timeline of a Tan
Skin Cancer Kills
The Un-Sexy Side of an Indoor Tan

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